Solution: dress like antifa to protest the cabal. The MSM and law enforcement won't know how to handle it. You'll get airtime and woni't be arrested.
Filthy kike
Solution: dress like antifa to protest the cabal. The MSM and law enforcement won't know how to handle it. You'll get airtime and woni't be arrested.
Filthy kike
next week
When does the patronage to the corrupt left end? They ruined the country, and now we have to baby our response to prove our worth to them and so we don't upset them.
Normies are more inclined to think Trump is twisting her words than they are to think Hillary is the devil in disguise.
How is that a threat, an expression of intention to inflict evil, injury, or damage?
Trump has you so spoiled that you think cops are the perfect personification and incarnation of America. What about those dirty cops at Parkland? Do you condemn them, and not for the cop-out(pun intended) excuse of them lacking courage to act, I mean for their being complicit in a false flag psyop?
Watergate 2.0?
If da evidence don't see da light, you can't indict.
That was fun during the election, but I expected more than symbolic wins afterward. Winning a twitter war in the eyes of supporters isn't really winning.