Anonymous ID: b6259b June 20, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.1833840   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3842 >>4027 >>4069 >>4142 >>4155 >>4185 >>4276

Ok here's the deal, I'm working to flesh this out with exact dates and facts but here's my theory so far. If you're religious some of this might seem offensive, please have an open mind.


Please poke holes in it.


Egypt and Sumeria were the oldest civilisations in the world. Sumer became Babylonia, and the started expanding/migrating outwards, into the Levant. Canaanites originated from Babylon. Proof of this is extremely hard to find, so right now that's a hunch. My only evidence is that Abram/Abraham came from Ur to Canaan.


Anyway, Egypt was ruling relatively peacefully for thousands of years, The pyramids were NOT built by slaves, and certainly not by Israelite's which didn't even exist yet. but Babylon wanted to conquer it. Not sure exactly what or how they did it, but the Hyksos were a Canaanite take over of Egypt. After over a hundred years of their rule, they were kicked out and banished, probably back to Canaan. No doubt they were PISSED off. In fact, they were so pissed off, they ranted about it in their fiction called the Exodus. Except in their story. they painted Egypt as evil slave mongers who had to face the wrath of their feiry fire God El.


Hundred of years later, the Canaanites seemed to almost get back in via Akhenaten, who radically changed Egypt's religion into Monotheistic Sun Worship (which the Phoenicians were as well). What a coincidence! This didn't last long, but this story was also later incorporated into the mythical Exodus story.


If you haven't caught on, Exodus NEVER happened. It was fake news to smear a once great nation.


One last shot at the crown was the Bronze Age collapse. Which almost destroyed Egypt. It utterly crippled every other nation around the Mediterranean region, except conveniently the Canaanites/Phoenecians. They then grew a massive sea trading empire and explored almost everywhere they could, possibly even America, China, and England. Egypt is no longer a threat.


Old Babylon has since fallen apart (probably from wasting so much time obsessing over Egypt, hunch), but Neo Babylon rises with Nebuchadnezzar and Canaan is conquered. Luckily, the Phoenecians already expanded to northern Africa into a place called Carthage.


Rome, meanwhile, is growing more powerful and soon the Punic Wars occur over the course of several centuries, Carthage expands to capture almost all of Iberia (Spain) and part of Rome, to being completely defeated and sacked.


Babylon is defeated by the Persians, who let the "Israelites" go back to Canaan. Again, bullshit propaganda. Remember that the Canaanites were likely Babylonian to begin with, so this was obviously a cover story. In fact, the Torah was written in Babylon and shares many similarities to Babylonian religion. Then again, of course it does, it would even if they never returned to Babylon.


Here's a big secret. They weren't monotheistic. They believed in other gods. They just thought their god, their Sun God, was the most superior. They thought that they were chosen by this God to conquer the entire world. Whereas the Eagle was the symbol of the Egyptians, the Phoenix became their mascot. It became their "win at all costs" philosophy. Die, if you must, but arise stronger than ever before.


Next Alexander the Great conquers almost the entire world. But the empire barely survives long past his death. Leaving Rome to conquer much of that territory, including Canaan.


This is where the story/myth of Jesus comes into play. I can write at length about this, but I believe that this was an attempt by Egypt to revive their suppressed spirituality about personal responsibility and enlightenment. Everything about the Old Testament sounds Babylonian, whereas everything about the New Testament sounds Egyptian. So of course the Canaanites weren't impressed and shut this down.


At this point things get muddy. Likely many Canaanites fled back to Mesopotamia, settling around the Black Sea (which, later becomes Khazaria). But surely, many kept involved in world politics. I can't peace it together, but somehow they convinced Rome to go Christian.

Anonymous ID: b6259b June 20, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.1833842   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4183



WHAT?! Why the FUCK would they do that? Well, around that time there was a dangerous philosophy known as Gnosticism floating about that threatened the Babylonian slave mentality. It was catching on and threatened their ultimate world domination plans. So after centuries of trying to suppress it, they decided to co-opt it.


They got the Pagan Emperor Constantine to convert to Christianity after some ridiculous vision of the Cross. But Rome had to "Romanize" it of course, so they made it into a hierarchy of priests and bishops and a Pope. Now they had councils to determine which books were the real word of God and which were heretical. Of course, anything that cemented the idea of worshipping the one Sun God were chosen as authentic. Thus, Christianity became Catholicism, and the Pope became literally Jesus in the flesh. And by the Pope they could literally control nations.


Except the Papacy was losing it's authority towards 1000AD.


Enter the Vikings.


That's where I'm at so far. Will write more later!

Anonymous ID: b6259b June 20, 2018, 2:03 p.m. No.1834196   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4209



Read again. I said they did NOT build the Pyramids


>Anyway, Egypt was ruling relatively peacefully for thousands of years, The pyramids were NOT built by slaves, and certainly not by Israelite's which didn't even exist yet. but Babylon wanted to conquer it. Not sure exactly what or how they did it, but the Hyksos were a Canaanite take over of Egypt. After over a hundred years of their rule, they were kicked out and banished, probably back to Canaan. No doubt they were PISSED off. In fact, they were so pissed off, they ranted about it in their fiction called the Exodus. Except in their story. they painted Egypt as evil slave mongers who had to face the wrath of their feiry fire God El.

Anonymous ID: b6259b June 20, 2018, 2:06 p.m. No.1834232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4298



Indeed it is. Personally I don't think it ever happened. But where would you slide the deluge in?


PS, feel free to reply here instead

>>1719707 (separate thread)

Anonymous ID: b6259b June 20, 2018, 2:19 p.m. No.1834440   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Exactly! This is what I meant that Christianity was becoming a problem for the Babylonian Slaveminds. It was a spiritually anarchistic movement that had to be stopped otherwise world domination would be impossible. So after trying to destroy it via oppression and downright murder, they instead co-opted it and molded it to their will. By doing so, they built and gained control of the Papacy. The origin of [P]