Anonymous ID: 5990b9 Feb. 13, 2023, 11:47 a.m. No.18340478   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Anon suspects the "meteor" burning up over France was a bigger deal than all the rest of this shit right now. What if all the "balloons" and "UFO's" were a Sun Tzu cover for White Hats shooting down an EMP weapon and its debris? "Appear weak when you are strong." Play Keystone Cops with "shiny" objects, like General Flynn called them, while really honing in on preventing some real catastrophic attack during the Super Bowl? I mean, wtf believes the MIL would stop looking for a potential invader because it got dark? Why tf would you even say that if not looking to throw somebody off the scent? Shit was extraterrestrial alright…Space Force was taking some Cabal fucker out extraterrestrially. Maybe the whole shebang was an OP?!