Anonymous ID: ad616b My home town, being turned... Feb. 13, 2023, 2:51 p.m. No.18341544   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1555 >>1568

into one of those Hub cities. A 15 minute city.

I hadn't been downtown for a couple years until this morning. Parking meters literally had the tops cut off them and are capped. Restaurants have taken over the parking spaces of much of the streets. Barely any place to park downtown on the streets. Soon, I can see them, no even letting cars on the streets. These were 3 lane roads.

I knew already that one hospital was vastly enlarging and swallowing up all independent doctors.The city has approved a 500 unit "improvement" to the downtown for studio and single bedroom housing. NOT family housing.

The new buildings, that have recently littered the downtown, made driving through it surreal. I could barely recognize it. This lovely town which has a spanish mission, as the center of town, was the small town I grew up in. It is clearly caving to the NWO designation to move people out in the country, off the land into this town, which will be a bike or walking town. We won't be allowed cars.

I am one who stayed in California to fight.

How do you fight when they want me off my land? How long do I stay when I know they want to regulate my well. When will the regulations come when we are not allowed livestock or our gardens? How long do we wait before we lose everything?

Look at South Africa. Whites killed and driven off the land. Property seized.

Damn It.

Driving downtown really slapped me in the face.