>The Persians at the time (of Cyrus the Great) were Zoroastrians which is a monotheistic religion which no doubt influenced the Hebrews as did Babylonian beliefs.
>Excellent point, Anon, that is so often either not known by most or ignored by those who do…
I agree...
Zarathustra existed long before the 3 Abrahamic religions, but he was more of a philosopher/theologian than a religious figure per say in that he never claimed to have a divine revelation. However, like Christ, he was highly critical of the parasitic elite classes and had arguably created the first known philosophy of Truth and Free Will. It is not insignificant that the 3 wise men who prophesied the coming of Christ were Zoroastrian Magi.
Zarathustra based his teachings on three principles: good reflection, good word, and good deed.
1) The source of goodness in the world is “truth”, “reality” or “righteousness.”
2) The source of evil in the world is the Lie, untruth or deception.
3) Each individual has a free choice between good and evil. Following the path of goodness leads to happiness in this life, and following the path of the Lie leads to destruction. In addition, there will be a happy existence after death for those who follow goodness and an unhappy existence for those who do not.
Gathas, 8 hymn (43), verse 8
Then I said to him:
“(I am) zarathustra. If I were able,
I would be a true enemy to the deceitful one
But a strong support to the Truthful one.”
That, while I continue to praise and eulogize Thee, Wise one,
I would begin (to explain) the endeavors of Him who rules at His wish.