Anonymous ID: 4b56cf Feb. 14, 2023, 5:47 p.m. No.18348989   🗄️.is đź”—kun


> helpless we are.


>God IS good and anon is praying for the innocents lost.


As long as you are calling on God and using the power given to through the blood of Jesus, We are not helpless. THEY, or adversaries who want to destroy us are the helpless ones; we are protected by the blood of Jesus, fully and forever. Keep your head hig, anon, remember you are special, a child of the most high God and THEY cannot touch you, or harm you in anyway.

Anonymous ID: 4b56cf Feb. 14, 2023, 6:40 p.m. No.18349293   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Trump is a billionaire. Yet took no salary as President.


>He doesn't go grocery shopping. Yet he pays handsomely those who do shop for him.


>He doesn't pump his own gas. Again, pays handsomely for those who do pump his gas.


>He doesn't rotate his tires, change the oil or do the brakes. This is just a stupid argument…do you think Adam Schitt does?


>He doesn't fix or maintain shit around his house(s) Same argument as above…


>He doesn't have to commute back & forth to work in shit traffic You don't know what his every day life is now, but when he held the highest office in the house, why the fuck should he? Does Biden?


>He never had to give anybody rides to school, work or team practice or music lessons You don't know about any of this shit either! Hopefully, Trump chose home schooling as should every parent in America right now!


>He didn't lose anybody in his family due to COVID-19 I didn't loose anyone in my family to the FAKE plandemic either, because I was not afraid and didn't believe the FAKE narrative!


>He didn't lose his job for not getting the COVID-19 vaccine Now you are just being stupid again…


>He didn't lose his small business due to COVID closures Stupid


>His kids or grandkids weren't on Zoom for school for a whole year Stupid


>Trump lives very comfortably in a huge, walled off estate with servants, a private jet, a private chef, golfs whenever or wherever he wants, gives huge Trump "Save America" Rallies with donor money rolling in

> President Trump has lived in Mar-a-Lago for longer than he was ever President and you only NOW have a problem with it? What aobut Biden and his WALLED off properties?> Pelosie and her walled off properties? Heel-sup fucking Harris and her walled off properties?


At least Trump EARNED his money and didn't steal it from YOU and ME like those fucking traitors!