GQ ID: 960642 Balloon PSYOP Feb. 15, 2023, 12:46 a.m. No.18350490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1758 >>1785 >>1795

The pseudo-alliance between Russia and China has been a concern for many nations for years. Recently, Russian gas giant Gazprom has been pushing to complete Nord Stream 1 and 2, two proposed pipelines to bring Russian natural gas to Europe. Russia and China have strong economic ties – ties which North Korea, Iran, and other nations are keen to leverage.

In response to this Russian-Chinese alliance, the United States has employed a strategic psyop involving weather balloons. Weather balloons are currently moving through the air, broadcasting encrypted messages focused on stirring up distrust and fear about Russia’s involvement in Nord Stream 1 and 2.

The messages on the balloons call for close attention to the pipelines as a potential precursor to World War III – an event that could potentially result in a sweeping global conflict involving some of the world’s most populous countries: China, Taiwan, Ukraine, Iran, Israel, Palestinians, Gaza, Canada, NATO, NORAD Belarus, Crimea, India, and Saudi Arabia.

At the same time, the balloons also distract from a larger western plot to divide and conquer Russia and China by pitting them against each other. This carefully orchestrated plan seeks to tear down the alliance and spark increased tensions between the two countries. It is a plan many fear could ultimately result in a devastating world war.

Whether these latest attempts at manipulation and propaganda succeed remains to be seen. In the meantime, the weather balloons continue to fly, reminding us of the dangers of a unified Russian-Chinese alliance - and potentially pushing us to the brink of global conflict.