Can you hit it with a truck >>1823133
All these stupid wannabe hypnotizers at it still eh
Can you flush it down a toilet
Just forked tongue Faggots , check em
Stop tarding teh laws mr bemis
Mr Bemis are you tarding teh loaf wif yo frump memes
I don't wanna fap a frump post
All those betrayers and their memes
We are socially ambivalent together
We are strange and are strangers
Together , for data mining apparently
With unread releases and disclaimers
Having spurious homoerotic spin jutzes
Blamefag concernfags in some caca cia hoax
Viva Benin
We will export them fehgels to Africa for horticulture
Share this photo of racist
Call his employer
Me thinks teh Bemis doth protest too much
Such manly meme
Maybe we can gas corsi in a basement