take off joo colored glasses
then you can see you are not a patriot but a stupid shill
like anons do
take off joo colored glasses
then you can see you are not a patriot but a stupid shill
like anons do
only partially true - too complex for now - think due process mimimum
but even to that extent it was scotus that legislated all this shit from the bench while congress sat on its ass and us took our money
joo color glasses
cant even see drudges part in the plan
but i forgot - you assholes oppose the plan
i have seen this posted a lot
is there actually any real proof of these activities?
q recent posts were lessons that we need to be cautious
such horror stories are exciting but are they true?
once again horror stories
maybe true
maybe some truth
maybe not
we need to sauce and vet these stories anons
> Adrenochrome
Conservative Commentator and Activist
april lajune
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EXPLOSIVE: Pedophile Ring Linked To Adrenochrome Drug Trafficking
is this stupid paytriot cunt allwe have for proof?
not seeing it anons
this is bullshit anons
i have seen this posted a lot
is there actually any real proof of these activities?
q recent posts were lessons that we need to be cautious
such horror stories are exciting but are they true?
once again horror stories
maybe true
maybe some truth
maybe not
we need to sauce and vet these stories anons
there is plenty of sauce for trafficking for sex and labor
also the extortion angle is pretty well vetted
but these alleged extreme acts need to be looked at
lawfag here to weigh in on civil RICO case
if the plaintiff knows what they are doing and has the staying power to pursue this correctly it can be very effective - based on a review of the pdf complaint it appears to be well thought out and properly drafted.
IF it was actually served on the parties then it is REAL- if not it is bullshit. Once it is served a response is mandatory - many defenses and obstacles will be thrown up and again if handled the case can get to discovery
if this occurs a lot of shit can be exposed
my question is who is the plaintiff and who is the lawyer here? a dig on these parties will tell us if it is worth following or not