Posted the following on FB and various other social media sites:
Don't forget… we are all ASSUMING these adults are the legitimate parents of these kids.
There are a bunch of illegals who come here with random children for all sorts of nefarious purposes… such as, for example, knowing that they will be let go after 20 days due to the law… Or how about an adult claiming that a child is their own kid, when he's actually bringing the child across the border for the purpose of child sex work…
y'all are ASSUMING that these are all 100% legitimate, and that these people are total angels… y'all are wringing your hands over these poor children, not realizing that MANY of these "separations" are taking the children away from those who would sell them into sex slavery… they are taking them away from these random ass adults who are ABUSING these children…
But y'all know best, right?