Anonymous ID: 115179 Feb. 16, 2023, 5:52 a.m. No.18357894   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7904 >>7995 >>7999

Why Would You Want Some Lady's Dirty Clothes?': Biden’s ‘Non-Binary’ Ex-Nuclear Waste Chief’s Rough Day in Court

Robert Spencer

Just a few months ago, Sam Brinton was a rising star in the universe of the woke. Back on June 29, he announced, with considerable fanfare, his new role as deputy assistant secretary of the Office of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the U.S. Department of Energy and tweeted happily about being “one of if not the very first openly genderfluid individuals in federal government leadership.” But it all ended ignominiously less than six months later: on Dec. 12, a Department of Energy spokesbeing announced tersely: “Sam Brinton is no longer a DOE employee. By law, the Department of Energy cannot comment further on personnel matters.”


Brinton turned out to be carrying too much baggage: his firing came after he was caught purloining that baggage from airports in Minneapolis and Las Vegas. On Wednesday, he appeared in a Minnesota court on luggage theft charges, and it wasn’t exactly like facing Old Joe Biden’s sycophantic, far-Left press corps in Washington.


Brinton likes to parade around in women’s clothes, but the seriousness of the charges he faces was apparently sobering; for his court appearance on Wednesday, he left his skirts in the closet and dressed quite conservatively (for him) in a suit and black button-down shirt. The suit’s burgundy color, however, did make it an outfit more suitable for a Batman villain than for a conventional government official. Brinton, according to the UK’s Daily Mail, “could face up to five years in prison and/or a $10,000 fine if found guilty.” As a cosseted member of the Leftist elite, Brinton is unlikely to be sentenced even to a fraction of that, but there is no doubt that his day in court was not the inspiring demonstration of how “diversity is our strength” that the Left would like all the public appearances of “non-binary” people to be.

Brinton was in court to face charges related to accusations that he stole a woman’s bag from the baggage claim area at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport on Sept. 16. Speculation has persisted since then that Brinton’s grab-bag style when wearing women’s clothing resulted from his practice of wearing whatever he found in the bags he carried off. It’s tough to be essentially the only disgraced official of a spectacularly disgraceful administration, and Brinton had tried to dodge having to make this humiliating public appearance.His lawyers repeatedly requested that he be allowed to appear remotely, but Judge Gina Brandtstated that “the current District Policy does not allow for remote appearances to be conducted for Felony 1st Appearances on the Property Drug Calendar.”


Once he was in court, however, Brandt took pains to make him feel comfortable, accommodating his delusions by referring to him not as “Mr. Brinton,” but as “Mx Brinton.” According to the Daily Mail, which also fed Brinton’s delusions by ridiculously (and confusingly) referring to him using plural pronouns, “Mx is a common gender-neutral title given to non-binary people who do not wish to have a gender referred to in their title.”


Reporters on the scene, however, were less deferential. Brinton was peppered with questions, all of which he ignored, as he left the courthouse and walked to a waiting limo: “Are you here for an interview with the [Minnesota Gov. Tim] Walz administration?” That was a good question, as Walz would likely love to have a “gender-fluid, non-binary” individual prominently on staff. Another impertinent scribbler asked Brinton: “Did you visit the Larry Craig restroom?” Larry Craig was the U.S. senator who, in 2007, was arrested in a restroom at the Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport for soliciting an undercover police officer for sex.


Brinton was also asked: “Do you have any comments on the train disaster in Ohio? You’re an expert in these things.” Brinton is indeed touted as an expert in nuclear waste disposal, but the material poisoning the atmosphere in Ohio is apparently not nuclear; was the reporter implying that Brinton himself was a train wreck? In any case, another asked Brinton: “Why would you want some lady’s dirty clothes?”


There’s the rub. Why indeed would Brinton have wanted to steal women’s luggage in the first place? That question gets to the heart of the problem: the very thing for which the Biden regime celebrated Brinton appears to be exactly the same thing that led him to commit acts that have gotten him charged with felony theft. That was the biggest message of his court appearance Wednesday. Whether anyone among the political and cultural elites will grasp that message, however, is an entirely different matter.

Anonymous ID: 115179 Feb. 16, 2023, 6 a.m. No.18357919   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8009 >>8457 >>8539

Making Sense of the '2023 Asbury Revival'Chris Queen


Asbury University is a small college of about 1,600 students in Wilmore, Ky. Since it’s a Christian school, students must attend chapel on a regular basis, and those chapel services probably have a pretty standard order and feel. But on Feb. 8, something different happened.


At the end of that Wednesday’s chapel, students didn’t leave. When the regular service ended,students stayed, worshiping spontaneously, praying, and kneeling at the altar to confess their sins. The activity in the chapel has continued 24/7 and is still going on as of this writing.


Stories of what’s being dubbed the “2023 Asbury Revival” are popping up all over social media, and it’s clear that something really unique is happening.


Tom McCall, a professor at Asbury Theological Seminary, which is located across the street from the university, reported for Christianity Today about what’s happening in the university chapel.


“I immediately decided to go to the chapel to see for myself. When I arrived, I saw hundreds of students singing quietly,” McCall wrote. “They were praising and praying earnestly for themselves and their neighbors and our world—expressing repentance and contrition for sin and interceding for healing, wholeness, peace, and justice.”


“Some were reading and reciting Scripture,” he continued. “Others were standing with arms raised. Several were clustered in small groups praying together. A few were kneeling at the altar rail in the front of the auditorium. Some were lying prostrate, while others were talking to one another, their faces bright with joy.”


(It’s worth noting that McCall also wrote, “Some are calling this a revival, and I know that in recent years that term has become associated with political activism and Christian nationalism. But let me be clear: no one at Asbury has that agenda.” This was probably a relief to the increasingly anti-conservative Christianity Today, but no serious person conflates revival with politics or “Christian nationalism.”)


So what’s happening at Asbury? Some videos are circulating showing what’s going on in the chapel.


Some students are reportedly taking the spirit of this movement to their home churches, and it’s also reportedly spreading to other Christian colleges not far from Asbury, including Ohio Christian University, Lee University in Tennessee, and Campbellsville University in Kentucky.


Is this a genuine move of God, or is it mere emotionalism? There are reasons to take encouragement from Asbury.


“We were impressed with the sight of hundreds of people worshiping God and an altar loaded with people repenting of sin and celebrating scripture being read,” the Kentucky Baptist Convention’s Michael Cabell told Kentucky Today. “It is very authentic and not programmed or manufactured. Anytime that we see hundreds of people worship the Lord, that’s a good thing.”


Author, podcaster, and Christian apologist Alisa Childers attended the service over the weekend, and she said it was a sweet and sincere movement. “I have no reason to think that God isn’t working something really beautiful in the hearts of the students at Asbury,” she said.


However, she admitted that she has concerns about the movement, and they mirror the exact concerns that I’ve had. First, she said that we’re not sure we can properly call this a revival yet, but I’ll get to that in a minute….


…I certainly don’t want to dismiss or second-guess what’s happening at Asbury.I believe that it’s a genuine move of the Holy Spirit, and I pray that it spreads to churches and Christian colleges nationwide.


Tim Beougher, pastor of West Broadway Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky., and evangelism professor at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, wrote something really powerful in response to what he saw at Asbury.


“What every believer should be doing right now, regardless of what you think about the early reports out of Asbury, is praying,” he wrote. “Who would deny that we need revival in our churches and spiritual awakening in our land? God has visited this nation with powerful awakenings before — we study those great movements of revival in church history classes. Is Asbury the spark of another awakening? I don’t know — but I’m praying — and you should be, too!”


Christian believers throughout the country and all over the world have been praying for revival for generations. And we’ve seen revivals over the years, including one at Asbury in 1970.

Anonymous ID: 115179 Feb. 16, 2023, 6:07 a.m. No.18357951   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DOJ Drops Investigation of Matt Gaetz, Liberals Hardest Hit

Matt Margolis

After years of investigating whether the Florida Republican had illegal contact with a juvenile, the Justice Department has closed its investigation against Rep. Matt Gaetz without filing charges.


The Justice Department has “confirmed to Congressman Gaetz’s attorneys that their investigation has concluded and that he will not be charged with any crimes,” Gaetz’s office said in a statement.


“The Justice Department’s examination of Mr. Gaetz was connected to a probe centered on Joel Greenberg, a local official in Florida who was indicted in August on sex-trafficking charges related to a girl between the ages of 14 and 17,” the Wall Street Journal reports. “Mr. Greenberg pleaded guilty in 2021 to sex-trafficking involving a person under 18 years old, along with counts of wire fraud, identity theft and stalking. He was sentenced in December to 11 years in prison.”


Gaetz has long denied any wrongdoing. But, of course, leftists pounced on the investigation, which began back in 2020, and have presumed Gaetz guilty ever since — even though the claims have long appeared to be linked to an effort to extort money from Gaetz. In 2021, the New York Times even claimed that Gaetz asked Trump for a blanket pardon before he left office — a claim Trump and Gaetz both denied.

Anonymous ID: 115179 Feb. 16, 2023, 6:19 a.m. No.18358003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8030 >>8049 >>8061 >>8098 >>8295 >>8407 >>8564

SCOTUS Will Decide Whether to Take up a 2020 'Rigged Election' Case on Friday

Athena Thorne

On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) will consider for a second time whether to hear Raland J. Brunson v. Alma S. Adams, a case that alleges Congress had a duty to investigate claims of fraud and impropriety in the 2020 national election, and that member votes against doing so amounted to treason. While some of the reasoning and suggested remedies in the complaint seem hyperbolic, it is aimed at accountability for those in leadership positions who are derelict in their duty to protect the American electoral system from manipulation.

On the matter of authorities taking a serious look at election fraud, we’re all well past our willingness to play Charlie Brown while Lucy holds a football for us to kick. Still, it’s intriguing that this case has made it as far as it has.

Only the most willfully blind can believe that the entire 2020 “most secure election ever!” was above board. The idea that an addled basement gimp racked up 81 million votes — more than any U.S. presidential candidate in history — defies belief. And the massive discrepancies and irregularities in crucial swing states have never been seriously looked into or satisfactorily explained. Yet no judge, no legislator, nor any executive agency dared instigate any serious examination of what happened.

I have yet to find a graphic or phrase that better explains the frustrating problem of a disinterested law enforcement apparatus when it comes to election shenanigans than this one (source unknown):

It’s difficult to get a grasp on such a slippery cycle of denial in order to force accountability, but the Brunson case may just have found a way to do it.

Just The News reports:

The Supreme Court is set to reconsider whether to hear a lawsuit alleging President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, former Vice President Mike Pence, 291 House members, and 94 senators violated their oaths of office by refusing to investigate evidence of fraud in the 2020 election before certifying Biden as the victor on Jan. 6, 2021, allowing for Biden and Harris to be “fraudulently” inaugurated.

The plaintiff’s suggested remedy — that the named defendants are removed from office — sounds extreme at first blush. But the focus of the suit isn’t on whether or not the election actually was “rigged” or “stolen” — that’s irrelevant to the argument. Rather, the suit claims the defendants were delinquent in their duty to investigate, and have thus broken their oaths of office. Biden and Harris may or may not be in office legitimately, but Congress has no way of knowing without taking a serious look into the matter.

The man whose name the suit bears, Raland J. Brunson, is one of four largely self-taught legally literate and patriotically determined brothers who have been working non-stop to address the threats to election integrity they witnessed in 2020. The brothers have a website devoted to the cause, on which they explain:

Loy, Raland, Deron and Gaynor Brunson (the brothers) witnessed the 2020 election along with claims from members of congress that the election was rigged. What got their attention was when the proposition to investigate those claims was presented to Congress and put to a vote. What came as a shock to the four brothers is when they discovered that 387 members of Congress along with VP Mike Pence actually voted against the proposed investigation, thus thwarting the investigation. Whether the election was rigged or not was no longer their main concern. What now became the concern was when those members of Congress violated their sworn oath by voting to thwart the investigation.

Raland J. Brunson v. Alma S. Adams is one of two cases the brothers have been simultaneously working through the courts. Through some impressive legal maneuvering, they brought Raland all the way to the Supreme Court last fall, and the case was considered in January. “The 9 Justices will meet January 6, 2023 to discuss the case and decide (by vote) if they want to move it to a hearing, where they will [officially] judge the case and decide (by vote) if defendants should be removed from office” the brothers reported. But on Jan. 9, “Without explanation, The Justices voted to not hear the case.” However, the Brunson boys had a backup plan and filed a petition asking the justices to reconsider. SCOTUS agreed to re-examine the issue and set a date for this Friday, Feb. 17.

There’s no point in getting our hopes up that anything will come of the Brunson brothers’ attempts to force Congress to prioritize America’s laws and citizens’ rights, but we can always hope.

Anonymous ID: 115179 Feb. 16, 2023, 6:30 a.m. No.18358054   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8098 >>8125 >>8295 >>8407 >>8564

So-Called’ Homeless Have ‘Moved’ Into One Of America’s Biggest Airports, Tucker Carlson Says



“The so-called homeless have moved into Chicago international airport, O’Hare. Vagrants living in the terminal, sleeping by the baggage claims in one of the biggest and most famous airports in the world. As one custodian at O’Hare put it, ‘It’s out of control, none of us feel safe,’” Carlson, an honorary member of the Daily Caller News Foundation board, said.


Travelers posted photos of homeless people camping in the airport to social media, the New York Post reported. The number of homeless encountered at the airport rose from 431 in 2021 to 618 in 2022, according to the Post, citing a Haymarket Center report.


“We’ve seen this beautiful gateway to Chicago been overrun by the homeless where every night 200 to 300 homeless individuals come off public transportation and set up encampments here, baggage claim and throughout all five terminals,” Democratic Alderman Raymond Lopez told Carlson.

“They’re not just urinating in the hallways,they’re taking baths in the toilets, they’re making a mockery of what Chicago is here,” Lopez continued. “We understand homelessness is a problem we must address, but making O’Hare airport a homeless shelter for hundreds of people on a daily basis, when we’re trying to welcome people here, when we’re trying to encourage tourism, trying to bring back the business clientele, bring back families to our city, and to only have them greeted by hundreds of homeless, with mental health issues, maybe armed, maybe might not even be clothed, that doesn’t institute confidence in our mayor in our city.”


Lightfoot is running for re-election as mayor of Chicago, but polling released Feb. 8 showed she was in third place in a three-way dead heat. Several challengers criticizedLightfoot over the city’s skyrocketing crime rates during a Jan. 31 candidate forum.


Lightfoot did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the DCNF.

Anonymous ID: 115179 Feb. 16, 2023, 7:02 a.m. No.18358157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8295 >>8407 >>8564

16 Feb, 2023 13:22

Russia issues space warning

Civilian satellites used by the military could become targets, a senior Moscow diplomat has cautioned


The US and its allies are exposing civilian space assets to potential attack by utilizing them for military purposes, a senior Russian diplomat has warned. The warning came afterNATO unveiled plans for a space monitoring fleet that will use commercialand military satellites for its missions.


Konstantin Vorontsov, deputy director of the non-proliferation and weapons control directorate in the Russian Foreign Ministry, said on Thursday that the US is weaponizing space and blurring the boundaries between military and civilian infrastructure in orbit.


American use of spacecraft to benefit other nations on the battlefield “is in fact a form of participation in [conflicts] by proxy,” Vorontsov said, adding that “quasi-civilian space infrastructure” in particular could face “retaliation.”


“At the very least, such provocative use of civilian satellites is questionable under the [1967] Outer Space Treaty,” he stated.


Vorontsov’s warning came at a round table discussion in the Russian parliament which focused on the legacy of the Reagan-era Strategic Defense Initiative, and how it influences current US military planning.


Ahead of the announcement of NATO’s new space project on Wednesday, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said that the US-led bloc will use commercial satellites as a military booster.


“This will improve our intelligence and surveillance, and support NATO missions and operations,” Stoltenberg said, adding that this would allow for “better navigation, communication, and early warning of missile launches.”


The NATO chief revealed the project as he reported on what the organization was doing to assist Ukrainian forces against Russia.


The fusion between civilian and military equipment in the Ukrainian conflict came to the forefront last week, when SpaceX announced that it was restricting the functionality of its Starlink space internet system, meaning Kiev’s troops could not use it to pilot drones.


CEO Elon Musk explained that Starlink was a commercial product not intended for military purposes, and that he did not want it to be used to escalate the hostilities, potentially unleashing a “third world war.”


The system remains available to the Ukrainian military for communication, even though SpaceX as a private company could simply switch off the terminals, he added.

Anonymous ID: 115179 Feb. 16, 2023, 7:19 a.m. No.18358229   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8295 >>8407 >>8564

Darren Beattie Oligarchs Benefit At The Expense Of The Ukraine WarWhere to hell is all the money going that’s sent to Ukraine?


Beattie says he’s got people on the ground that say Ukraine is selling armaments on the black market.


I’m sure Hunter gets a share of that money!

Anonymous ID: 115179 Feb. 16, 2023, 7:24 a.m. No.18358250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8295 >>8311 >>8316 >>8407 >>8564

Naomi Wolf: Autopsies Reveal the Medical Atrocities of Genetic Therapies Being Used Against a Respiratory Virus


Reports written on this, families asked for second autopsies, because families were not satisfied. Doctors had to take time off from doing them, because the autopsies were so brutal to do, seeing all the damage to the bodies from the vaccines

Anonymous ID: 115179 Feb. 16, 2023, 7:37 a.m. No.18358316   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8338


Go to Daily Clout for whole report

Report 56: Autopsies Reveal the Medical Atrocities of Genetic Therapies Being Used Against a Respiratory Virus

February 15, 2023 • by Robert W. Chandler, MD, MBA


Dr. Arne Burkhardt is one of eight international pathologists, physicians and scientists who were asked to perform a second autopsy, requested by friends and family of the deceased who were not satisfied with the results of the first autopsy.


Thirty autopsies and three biopsies were evaluated; 15 cases with routine histopathology (Step 1), three with advanced methods (Step 2), and some of the remaining 15 are included as illustrative cases.


The Step 1 group included eight women and seven men aged 28-95 (average 69).


Death occurred seven days to 180 days following the first or the second Spike-Mediated Gene Therapy (SMGT) with COMIRNATY in eight, Moderna in two, AstraZeneca in two, Janssen in one and Unknown in two.


Place of death was known in 17 cases:


Nine Non-hospital: five at home, one on the street, one in a car, one at work, one in an elder care facility

Eight Hospital: four ICU, four died having been in hospital less than two days

Special stains were used to identify Spike and Nucleocapsid Proteins, with the following differential:


COVID-19 (C-19) = + Spike + Nucleocapsid.

SMGT = + Spike – Nucleocapsid.

Causation by SMGT: Very probable in five cases, probable in seven, unclear in two and no connection in one.


Lesions were on multiple organs including: Brain, Heart, Kidney, Liver, Lungs, Lymph Node, Salivary Gland, Skin, Spleen, Testis, Thyroid and Vascular.


Lymphocyte Infiltration, present in 14 of 20 cases (70%), was a common feature and involved multiple organs. Case 19 had at least five different organs involved. CD3+ Lymphocytes were dominant.


The Vascular System was targeted by Lymphocyte Infiltration in seven (35%) of the cases and included sloughing endothelium, destruction of the vessel wall, hemorrhage and thrombosis.


A condition called Lymphocyte Amok was described by Dr. Burkhardt: Lymphocyte accumulation in non-lymphatic organs and tissues that might develop into lymphoma.


Five cases of unknown foreign material in blood vessels were identified. The favored explanation for origin of this material was aggregated Lipid Nanoparticles (LNPs).


Multiple pathologic processes were involved: Apoptosis, Coagulopathy, Clotting/Infarction, Infiltration/Mass Formation, Inflammation, Lysis, Necrosis and Neoplasia.


Röltgen, et al. found that COVID-19 depleted Lymphatic Germinal Centers (LGCs) whereas SMGT stimulated them, suggesting a possible origin of “Hunter/Killer” CD3+ Lymphocytes that are attracted to certain tissues, particularly the vascular system.


An expanded program of autopsy following SMGT is recommended in order to further understand the actions of SMGTs and to help formulate new treatments for the constellation of pathology associated with such drugs.

Burkhardt Group Conclusions:

Histopathologic analyses show clear evidence of vaccine-induced autoimmune-like pathology in multiple organs.

That myriad adverse events deriving from such auto-attack processes must be expected to very frequently occur in all individuals, particularly following booster injections.

Beyond any doubt, injection of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines place lives under threat of illness and death.

We note that both mRNA and vector-based vaccines are represented among these cases, as are all four major manufacturers.


Lots Slides & analysis

Anonymous ID: 115179 Feb. 16, 2023, 7:42 a.m. No.18358338   🗄️.is 🔗kun


This report is horrifying to look at, their pathology reports site numerous areas and organs of damage


Dr. Burkhardt: I think it’s very, very, important to have an international communication on this subject, because last year in May, April, I was confronted with some relatives of persons who died after vaccination. And I tried to establish a national registry of these persons dying.


And I tried to get autopsies done in these persons, but the national associations of pathology here didn’t reply to this request by myself. So, when relatives continued to ask me, “Where can I get some solution to this problem?” finally, I said, “I can examine these organ probes that have been taken during autopsy, and we can try to get some other pathologists sent.”


These are the most relevant data on our study. We have eight cooperating pathologists, physicians, biologists; and they are internationally from Germany and other European countries, and also some outside of Europe.


So, by now we have 30 autopsies and three biopsies from vaccinated persons. Fifteen cases have been evaluated in the step one that has reached Routine Histology. Three cases are in step two, Advanced Methods. I will explain what I mean by this.


And, just to give you a rough Impression, it’s seven men, eight women, 28 years to 95 years, death seven days to six months after the last injection and vaccination, the typical vaccinations that are used in Germany.


So, one important fact is that most of these persons that we examined have not died in the hospital, but at home, on the street, in the car. And that is very important, because, in these cases, we can exclude that there is interference with therapeutical measures like artificial respiration and things like that. So, only four were in intensive care medicine before they died.


We had 15 cases with autopsy elsewhere which we examined in step one. And all of these 15 cases were classified by the pathologist of legal medical persons who made the autopsy as natural and unclear. And the relatives insisted on a second opinion. And we, in Reutlingen, in our group, looked at the specimens of the organs that were taken…

Anonymous ID: 115179 Feb. 16, 2023, 7:49 a.m. No.18358379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8407 >>8564

16 Feb, 2023 15:15

Major Russian port city claims success against Ukrainian drone strikes

It’s not the first time Sevastopol has been targeted by air attacks, according to local officials


Russian air defense forces have shot down all the drones that attacked the port city of Sevastopol in Crimea on Thursday, governor Mikhail Razvozhayev has announced. He added that the situation in the city was “calm.”


According to Razvozhayev, between Wednesday and Thursday night, air defense systems and Russia’s Black Sea Fleet stationed in the Sevastopol areashot down two drones over the sea. Several other UAVs were brought down over the territory of the Crimean Republic, the governor said.


This is not the first time Sevastopol - a key port city that houses Russia’s Black Sea Fleet - or the territory of the Crimean peninsula, which became part of the Russian Federation in 2014 after holding a public referendum, have been targeted by drone strikes.


On January 16, Razvozhayev reported that the air defenses shot down a total of ten Ukrainian UAVs within just 24 hours, without any of the drones reaching their intended targets, which allegedly included Belbek airport, just north of the city. That attack marked the fifth time Sevastopol had come under attack in just that month alone.


Moscow has blamed the attacks on Kiev but Ukrainian authorities have yet to claim responsibility. At the same time, top officials in Kiev, including President Vladimir Zelensky, have continued to insist that Crimea is an inalienable part of Ukraine which is “temporarily occupied” by Russia.


Zelensky, as well as as many of his defense and intelligence chiefs, have repeatedly vowed to retake the peninsula by any means necessary and have warned that Russia will continue to experience “problems” until it completely withdraws from territories Kiev claims as its own.


However, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told a group of experts that Washington is not “actively encouraging”Ukraine to seize Crimea from Russia, Politico reported on Wednesday. This would be “a red line” for President Vladimir Putin and would trigger “a wider Russian response,” Blinken was quoted as saying.

Anonymous ID: 115179 Feb. 16, 2023, 7:53 a.m. No.18358397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8407 >>8564

16 Feb, 2023 14:01

Russia’s key ally outlines what would force it to join fight against Ukraine

Minsk will only deploy its military forces if Kiev attacks Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko has announced


Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko has said thatan act of aggression by Kiev against his country is the sole reason Belarus would involveitself in the Ukraine conflict. He also claimed that the West wants to drag Minsk into the conflict.


Speaking to journalists on Thursday, Lukashenko said: “I am prepared to fight together with the Russians from Belarus’ territory only in one case: If just a single soldier comes from there to Belarus’ territory to kill my people.”


He went on to warn that if Ukraine or any other neighboring country “commits aggression against Belarus, there will be the most severe response.”


Lukashenko added that Belarus is a “peaceful” nation that “does not want war,” noting that despite being close allies, Moscow has not asked Minsk to take part in the conflict.


The Belarusian President also claimed, citing intelligence reports, that the West wants to drag Belarus into the conflict in order to further stretch the frontline. He said, however, that Minsk will not be provoked into doing so.


On Monday, Imangali Tasmagambetov, the secretary general of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), of which both Moscow and Minsk are part, announced that the bloc will hold joint military exercises in Belarus. The CSTO also includes Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.


Receiving Tasmagambetov in Minsk, Lukashenko called for greater cooperation among the member states, in light of what is “happening around” their borders.


“If somebody thinks that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is not our conflict, that we can quietly sit it out – no, that won’t happen,” the Belarusian president said.


Minsk has allowed Moscow to use its territory during the military operation, but has declined to contribute its own forces. The two allies, however, set up a joint military force late last year to address threats that Belarus presumably faces on its Western border.


Ukrainian and Western officials have repeatedly claimed that Russia is trying to persuade Belarus to take part in the conflict in the neighboring country.

Anonymous ID: 115179 Feb. 16, 2023, 8:15 a.m. No.18358530   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Yes, talking about Norfolk Southern, nor are EPA, Dewine and many others are not answering any questions. Shapiro is running from this whole issue.


They are so full if shit and hiding everything.


If this was a fish that was endangered in CA they would shut down the county


Oh and btw BlackRock owns 7% of NS

Anonymous ID: 115179 Feb. 16, 2023, 8:19 a.m. No.18358556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8564 >>8565

16 Feb, 2023 15:03

New EU sanctions on Russia to span from tech to toilets – media

The next round of trade restrictions still needs the approval of all member states


The tenth package of EU sanctions on Russia will focus on stopping sales of high-tech goods that can be used in weapons systems, the newspaper EUobserver reported on Thursday, citing draft proposals.


The 146-page-long export blacklist will reportedly include electronics, lasers, radio equipment, software, avionics, marine cameras and rare-earth minerals, as well as other more specific components used in nanotechnology.


However, the newspaper notes that the package will also cover more “symbolic items” of everyday use. Among them are “bidets, toilets, flushing cisterns and similar sanitary ware,” as well as LEDs, hemp yarn, mail-sorting machines, clay pots, bricks, tires and even pen tips.


However, EU ambassadors failed to reach an agreement on the package on Wednesday, with the media reporting that the issue of synthetic rubber, which is used in tires, has emerged as a stumbling block. Italy and Germany were said to be skeptical about banning Russian supplies, which delivered nearly $700 million worth of the product to the EU in 2021.


The support of all the 27 member states is needed for the package to be passed. However, EU leaders have lately been complaining that coming up with new sanctions is becoming more difficult as targets become increasingly scarce. Nevertheless, Brussels reportedly hopes to finalize the package before February 24, the anniversary of the launch of Russia’s military operation in Ukraine.


Earlier reports indicated that the next sanctions package would target three more Russian banks, ban Russian residents from holding top posts at critical European infrastructure companies and restrict the provision of gas storage capacity to Russian entities. It is also expected to include a requirement for European banks to report on frozen funds that belong to Russia’s central bank and those linked to sanctioned Russian companies and individuals.


Every sanction package hurts the EU, I wonder why they don’t question why the US is getting off scott free