Looks like a sniveling weasel.
If that's all you got, just STFU
The dual citizen bullshit is as old and stale as fucking Finklestein.
You know it, I know it.
My wife qualifies as eligible for Australian citizenship thru her father's family. She was born and raised in the USA. So what nationality is she?
Now apply that to right of return in Israel. Just having eligibility to be a citizen does not make you one.
Now fuck off with your disingenuous bullshit.
(Not) Sorry to point out the shit stains all the way up the back of your bullshit argument, shill.
Better luck next time. Maybe you'll find an Anon that's as stupid as you.
You know you have a winner when the shills take your meme and turn it around.
Wonder why they can't come up with any good ones of their ownโฆ. Maybe they're liberalsโฆ.
Don't try and put words in my mouth you shill cunt.
I refute your claim that any Jewish members of congress are "dual citizens" because you conflate eligibility for citizenship to being a passport holder.
Now fuck off and come back when either a) you can formulate a decent argument, or b) your balls have dropped.
BO won't say it, but I will - Try not to be so much of a glowing cunt.
Are you a paid shill?
Are you telling me you shill for freeโฆ!?!
You spelled Bell End wrong.