Do tequila and Nair come in 55 gallon drums?
Here's the original eurostat sauce
Screw it, open the barrel, plug in the dog clippers, remember me
Can you imagine the number of stills that could be made with all the copper used in that thing?
Ethanol has powered dragsters, MiG-25s, and the lamest of parties.
Grow the corn, make the mash, load the still. Can take the waste heat from the still to make steam to power stuff
Somebody get Greta in on this
Great thing about being with anons on weekends
The meme makers and shitposters have this talent for elevating the mood and anons comments on things can get the laughter really rolling
Best Bunch Ever
Can you do this one with the ginger mound sweater? Pretty Please
So some dumb shit plugged in the wrong thumb drive?
It's Friday Night and there ya go with the muh censorship
Is there nothing at all happening on halfmind?
I'm thinking if BVs were mad your 32 posts would get deleted, yet here you are, Buzz Killington
Lighten Up Francis