Everywhere you turn they are force-feeding Commie garbage to everyone.
Does he have wifi?
Nasty Jew even speaking truth.
Just a dumb redneck calling it out by name.
>Anons must comprehend the depths of the wiles of the jew.
I do agree, that some Jews are sheep and completely unaware they follow a satanic evil cabal.
Narrcism at the JIDF HQ
Ze must increase our efurts!
>we are a people with an incomplete history re written by ds faggots.
Sorry. I agree with your statement. You had me fired up.
#1 Lucifer
#2 Black Pope
#3 White Pope
#4 The Jesuit Order
The Jesuits wear many hats but are loyal to one.
I bet Ron does not handle being exposed very well and is having a meltdown behind the scenes.
Khazars hijacked Judaism.
Inquiring minds want to know.
When directly on the Equator, does the water flush straight down?
Maybeeeee… Let's just call evil out when we see it and agree to disagree.
BlackRock can buy everything up on the cheap.
Nevertheless, it's a great way to get an all-encompassing representation.
Neocons, Zionist, Talmudic Head Bobbers.
They have us chasing so many bad guys it is hard to list them all.
They Killed DAN!