>STOP eating the good food you useless feeders!!!!!
Using this to make a point…
Daily our bodies go through a symphony of function. Our bodies are not so good at trying to do everything at once. We are really good at focusing on certain tasks at certain times. A time to sleep and be awake, a time to build hormones, a time to build cells, a time to build immune mediators, a time to clean up. This happens by genetic expression, so genes open during the time when they are suppose to and close when they are not needed.
Easiest way to demonstrate this is with melatonin. If you take it an noon it will have no effects on you (unless you are a shift worker…) because your MT receptors are CLOSED. If you take it at 8p it will have an effect on you as the receptors are OPEN.
This symphony we play every day is super important to our function. THE MOST DISRUPTIVE THING WE DO TO OURSELVES DAILY ISEAT
The symphony has to stop. All the energy that was going to running your body through these necessary process has toSTOP
That energy then has to be focused on dealing with the meal you just ate. This is done at the expense of yourIMMUNE SYSTEM. When you eat and for 5 hours after a meal you are very vulnerable toBACTERIAL OR VIRAL INFECTION
You have 2 ways to fight cancer. Autophaghy and P53. You turn them bothOFFwhen you eat and for 5 hours after eating…
We all need to intermittent fast and get WAY more intentional about eating…
Your body is a TEMPLE. You can become POSSESSED with bacteria. The bacteria are alive and can influence you at the IMPULSE level and can also erode your ETHICS and MORALS. Sauce = toxoplasma gondii…
MINDis the battlefield
BODYis subjected to all the bullshit of earth
SPIRITis of God and incorruptible
(they) try to do everything they can to corrupt the body to win the war of the mind…