>I could be wrong in what I see…
Do those thoughts feel good or bad? If they feel bad, then it means your thinking is coming from a place of fear/doubt/worry and is therefore distorted and bogus. When the thoughts feel good then they come from a place of clarity of mind void of fear. That is how you know the answer to your distorted, fear basedthoughts you just posted.They are a reflection of you, not Trump.
Personally, I'm surrounded by idiots that voted for biden and got the injection and see absolutely nothing wrong going on. Trump has to keep saying what he says while we are waking them up. Biden was "sworn" in while Trump was still President. You're not supposed to have 2 Presidents. They're supposed to have sworn him in at noon. Trump did not concede and is still fighting because we have to show the fucking brain dead retards what these people planned for us because when we tell them, they think we are crazy. We are at war, we have [their] playbook. We let them deal the blows and then we counter them. One at a time, the retards will gradually wake up. They will not want change until they are very uncomfortable and start wondering how things got so bad. They are asleep. They blanket is off of them and the cold draft is coming in. Meanwhile, we take control of our lives and freedom so that we can become self governing and all are rowing in the same direction, aware that we never want this to happen again. We all learn from it, defeat the enemy and then prosper like we never have before.