>Weinstein's lawyers
They're following a familiar script.
This is where she gets off with time served.
>Weinstein's lawyers
They're following a familiar script.
This is where she gets off with time served.
Unless you live in a sealed airlock the air seaps in from cracks in the structure. That's why sheltering-in-place is retarded during an airborne contamination.
Busting the Leftist false narrative that there is no election fraud; that the elections are secure and reliable.
Leftard backup position? This was an isolated incident.
Real elite human trafficking? Of pimps and hookers?
You can't defeat tyranny at the ballot box. Tyranny counts the ballots and reports the results.
How on earth could video of a protest at the US Capital affect national security. McCarthy is a tool with a purty mouf.
If you want everything in the world electrified and fossil fuels banned you will need nuclear.