the battle of the loathsome memes is missed
if you filter only a few anon.
the rest don't seem to care or want to see it
and do not enjoy it.
but strangely don't care about Mr. Pig memes even though they did become annoying for a time, and might welcome them.
but the newer generation trying to be the next Mr Pig?
they must not remember . . .
(because they were not even here)
that Mr. Pig wasn't welcomed either but
just maintained a
loving (loving?) oh kay, a not hateful point of view.
the hateful point of view thing is what puts me off to a namephags calling card images.
and spamming a theme of an ancient meme with various Mad-magazine quality art-work heads, that are overly crafted and obvious efforts of a paid-for artist (with some talent in drawing but lacking talent in editing and filtering the good from the bad.
hateful images designed to bring loathing are NOT memes and
those who spam them are obvious and glowing so . . .
regular people see it once at the top of the bread and filter it.
but they act as if it's causing a tidal wave on a great big ocean, some dark-squall at a mountain precipice overlooking the wide and raging sea . . .
but instead it's a janitor in a drum, and Carol just hit the flush and
away he goes .