>>18332103 pb
Fauci: "?? Serial passage in ACE-2 transgenic mice"
Farrar: "Exactly!"
Collins: "Surely that wouldn't be done in a BS-2 lab?"
Farrar: "Wild West…"
Here is anon's translation of this email string:
Fauci: "What is our cover story going to be if and when this bat natural origins cover story gets debunked? What is our fallback position? Serial passage in the lab mice? "
Farrar: "Yes, I love that cover story! Thank you!"
Collins: "Hol up, nobody gonna believe that shit was going on in a BS2 lab"
Farrar: "Nah, just tell 'em the chinks are reckless, the wild west out there"
Sen. Johnson, Sen. Paul: please depose them with this understanding in mind.
Were they just speculating to speculate?
Why was Farrar so excited about a speculative point?
Why was Fauci positing this when he was funding the research. Did he not know what was going on?