Anonymous ID: c2695f June 20, 2018, 6:21 p.m. No.1838441   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8571

Sen. Claire McCaskill Husband Invested in Hedge Fund In Caymans


A Senator running for reelection in Missouri has been hit with allegations that her husband is storing investment money in an offshore bank account in order to evade taxes.


“Joseph Shepard’s investment in Matrix Capital Management has earned him between $230,000 and $2.1 million in income since he first invested in 2013, according to McCaskill’s financial disclosure forms. Such forms only show a range of income,” said a Kansas City Star article.


Shepard is the husband of Democrat Sen. Claire McCaskill of Missouri.


According to the report, Shepard has invested $1 million in a hedge in the Cayman Islands, a “notorious tax haven.” The capital gains tax in the Caymans is much lower than the income tax rate paid by the ordinary American citizen.


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Campaign finance law mandates that candidates for office must declare the income of spouses.


McCaskill co-sponsored the 2009 Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act, but has declined to release her tax returns until later this year. She will not release Shepard’s tax returns. The bill, which was not passed, targeted the Caymans among countries and would have subjected income earned there to be taxed at the same rate as U.S. Corporations.


“Secretive hedge funds seek outsized profits and are open only to the ultra-wealthy, who are considered sophisticated investors and can withstand big losses,” said the report. “These funds do not have to disclose their investors to regulators.”


So far, mum is the word from McCaskill’s office.


“Claire does not make decisions on public policy based on what’s best for her husband; she makes decisions based on what is best for the people of Missouri,” Meira Benstein, a McCaskill campaign spokesperson told the Kansas City Star.


Big League Politics reached out to McCaskill’s office, but they refused to comment.

Anonymous ID: c2695f June 20, 2018, 6:31 p.m. No.1838689   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8710 >>8718 >>8768 >>8785 >>8874 >>8947



Restaurant Manager Where Secretary Nielsen Was Mobbed ‘Happy About What Happened’


The Mexican restaurant where Department of Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was swarmed by protesters Tuesday in Washington, D.C., took no action to quell the protesters or ensure Nielsen’s safety, a manager told The Daily Caller News Foundation on Wednesday.


“We are not upset the protesters came here and we are not upset even if it was any of our staffers [who tipped off] the protesters,” the MXDC Cocina Mexicana manager, who refused to give his name, told TheDCNF. “We are happy about what happened.”


Police responded to the incident, USA Today reported. The manager also said that, to his knowledge, no one who worked at the restaurant contacted authorities when the protesters arrived, and that it may have been one of her security detail or another restaurant patron. “We don’t know who exactly contacted the police … we don’t know,” he said. (RELATED: Office Of First Lady Calls Secret Service After Actor Peter Fonda Calls For Barron Trump To Be Kidnapped)


The manager, who has tan skin and long, grey, hair, expressed his gratitude for President Donald Trump’s Wednesday executive order mandating that families be kept together. Trump signed the rule in response to widespread backlash against families being separated at the southern border when crossing into the U.S. illegally.


“We are very happy about what happened this morning, today,” the manager said. “We are all Americans … if [anything that] happened affected … the decision of the president … we are proud.”


Nielsen was bombarded by socialist protesters who were tipped off that she was eating at MXDC, which was created by chef Todd English, on Tuesday night, according to Refinery29. Protesters yelled “Shame, shame” and “How do you sleep at night?” at Nielsen, who left the restaurant shortly after the protesters arrived.

Anonymous ID: c2695f June 20, 2018, 6:48 p.m. No.1839079   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9113



Democrats slam Trump's executive order for detaining families 'indefinitely'


Democrats expressed concerns Wednesday about President Trump's executive order, which will allow parents who have crossed the U.S. border illegally to remain with their children. The move, some Democrats argued, simply detains illegal immigrants "indefinitely."


The order Trump signed allows children to stay in detention with their parents for an extended period of time. It does not, however, end the "zero-tolerance" policy that criminally prosecutes adults entering the country without proper documentation.




Trump's order came after he and other officials repeatedly said only Congress had the power to stop children and their parents from being separated.


Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., tweeted Wednesday night that the executive order "merely replaces one inhumane act with another."


"In response to the overwhelming public outrage at his policy of tearing children away from their parents at the border, this administration thinks the appropriate response is to indefinitely detain families," Sanders said.

The senator said he's "hopeful … the courts will step in to rein in these unlawful actions."


Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein, of California, shared similar sentiments, tweeting: "It’s extremely troubling that the president’s executive order would require immigrant families with children to be detained indefinitely."