…Seems legit.
…Wasn't talking to (you), pud. Take your butthurt back to normieland.
…Anon has his doubts. Eavesdroppers overhearing his rants don't count.
…Must be shift change.
…Appears to be a bullshit story. Nothing relating to such a claim. https://cruxnow.com/vatican/2023/02/jesuits-impose-new-restrictions-on-rupnik-as-questions-linger-on-vatican-role
…Anon tends to filter, out of reflex. Still speaks his mind, despite the backlash. Already said his piece and moved on. Yeah, the shit gets fuckin' irritating, when the cuckfest ramps up.
…What's the fun, with out ruffling a few feathers? Careful? Fuck that. (Anon is inspired by being outspoken, like Thomas Paine.)
…Damn it, coffee is cold.
…What of documentaries?
…Could have specified context, rather than being vague.
…For something completely random, and a bit intriguing (as a rare glimpse of what Venice looked like, before flooding); https://www.insider.com/pictures-venice-canals-run-dry-drought-low-tide-gondolas-2023-2
…Sounds like it's nap time.