From the
You gotta be shittin me dept
Now blabbing about pets havin heart attacks
What next
CPR for stray rabid aminals
From the
You gotta be shittin me dept
Now blabbing about pets havin heart attacks
What next
CPR for stray rabid aminals
Let's play
If she had as many dicks
Sticking out
As stuck in
She would look like a porcupine
Venezuela and most don't see it
She would make a great coral tree lotsa surface area
So. The racial shit in racing didn't work
Now its anti semetic
Really …they gettin scared…
Crippling supply lines
War tactic for centuries
Surround ….
Cut supplies
Kill economy
Invade ..
Question is
who is invading
The Bankers are fighting
On 2 fronts
That never ends well
I am just wondering
What their army wears
Besides a suit and a tie
We have been bombing nations
Under the guise of communism..bad
All to keep black ops running
When the dollar failed completely in 71
We took to bombing nations to support
Petro dollar
That failed ….and now many are becoming
Aware….petro dollar is ded