Literally just dawned on me that Q and MI and Potus have been using the cabal to defeat themselves—here is how:
From the start Q has been very sure of the outcome- as if it is inevitable. Some anons postulated the use of a time machine – some credit the superior intellect of aliens. I am dubious of both.
For me the best explanation is some VERY sophisticated AI that has been game planning an infinite number of theoretical scenarios to arrive at the highest probability of success for certain courses of action. All these actions have been designed to move public opinion ineluctably against the blackhats, while also steering those same villains into traps with no possible escape.
But how to train the AI to see and predict the future? Simple- you program in the moves and countermoves of the cabal over the past –let’s say 100 years to be safe. Every wicked deed, assassination, plot, advertising campaign, popular entertainment, fashion trend, political movement, wars and rumors of war, along with the micro shifts in sentiment– those same moves that moved public opinion in the past were the input to predict the optimal path for the destruction of evil in the present and near future. Thanks Cabal!