Morning anons…
Is the storm upon us? March 11th approaches…
When Lucifer/devil/whatever got OUT, he and his minions constructed a reality built on INSTITUTIONS.
Then they put you to sleep with food/sugar/corn syrup and feed you Justin Bieber and M-TV.
However, (you) are waking up…even through the chaos and corn syrup you are waking up…
What keep you from God? What keeps you from how God expresses here on earth?
The institution of religion guards the truth of your relationship DIRECTLY with the sun = SON
The institution of banking hoards resources which should be freely given to any intentional being to create
The institution of learning guards knowledge. (you) cannot know anything because you don't have a PHD = you have not been indoctrinated
The institution of pharma/medicine is a big one and it guard Nature and God natural system of medicine
All the institutions have toFALL DOWNand are…
It is COMFY up here at 50k and worth an understanding of the demolition and what will go next…although it is kinda all going at once…