ID: 70d558 Feb. 23, 2023, 4:02 a.m. No.18397104   🗄️.is 🔗kun

100% of all conspiracy information online is 90% - 98% truth with the rest strategically placed to lead you into a brick wall that stops you cold but has no reality.


Ditch the patriots and truthers and go only by what you see happening around you, as well as closely watching their track record, and you can't go wrong.


No matter who or what the source, if people bothered to keep a scoresheet on them, they would see a clearly identifiable pattern: the sky is falling! We have until THIS date and we're all doomed! Well ahead of "this date," that narrative is dropped cold with no resolution, no closure, no real world result, and they're off to the races pushing the next one.


Whatever pulls in the money is what is going to be pushed. Like the Buttcoin donation pimping being at the top of the posts on this board. It's always about money.


The longer the source has been online, the more they will grow tired of their own bullshit and the longer gaps you will see where they post nothing. They begin more and more to want the money but not want to post anything to trigger its flow into their coffers.


Watch what they do, not what they say. Every video telling you how to get rich is using videos to get rich themselves. They sell their system instead of using it, announcing to the world it's pure bullshit.


They're convinced the economy and/or the world is ending in x number of days, weeks, or months, and yet their videos are overwhelmed by listing 16,000 ways you can give them money. That's an awfully hard push, an awfully desperate grab, for money they supposedly "know" will be worthless in x number of days, weeks, or months.


Forget what they say; watch what they DO. The crash is exactly as close as the focus they place on taking in money. Their actions say they're lying. Time bears that out completely.


I remember in January, 2022, Tarot by Janine (Jay-nine) was declaring a trusty, reliable source said NESARA/GESARA was being rolled out March 1, 2022. It never happened and she quietly swept it under the rug; first saying "oh yeah it's been delayed until April 1, yeah that's it!" then quietly sweeping it under the rug as if it were never declared.


We have been through this hundreds of times with hundreds of parasites, all with special contacts having access to special information. Every one has been 100% wrong, 100% of the time.


Stop believing them. Go by what you see around you.


The hardest group of all to wake up is the conspiracy normies who glom onto whatever bullshit narrative they like and cannot be convinced it's all bullshit.