the last bread stopped working for almost exactly 11 hours from about 8 PM eastern to about 7 AM
the 'new bread' (this one) did not show up in the catalog that I saw until about 9 AM Eastern
the last bread stopped working for almost exactly 11 hours from about 8 PM eastern to about 7 AM
the 'new bread' (this one) did not show up in the catalog that I saw until about 9 AM Eastern
The 'hide images' feature is not working for me.
color ID works after a refresh.
breads are hard to handle without being able to shut off the images so I hope it gets fixed.
thank you for this most pertinent message.
sometimes I forget what it's like when things get operational and ready to deploy.
I'll pay better attention.
I try to give a 'sea-flow' report, like a listing of the floatsom and jetsom that's drifted or washed-up on some shore line here.
when there is a sea change like 'image hide' no longer works I say 'sea change, image hide no longer works' and that's me being a duff , a stranger on the shore (just the clarinet and without the lyrics)
I still look at them by clicking on them, if just briefly.
when the satanic subliminals are spammed all day it's better to hush it down.
the other way when image hide no longer functions (usually it does function)
is to use the inspector feature of the browser.
I open the inspector and then from the mouse menu, a hover over the image that will soon bemissing from my view, I hit the 'Q' and then delete and the image node is deleted from the document and I don't have to seee some nacent attempt at manipulation, some scoffing persona with the look of fowl intention.
mouse - Q - delete is a 'lot of work' for you?
and you call your self an image board maven!
I know you don't really call yourself that.
by the way there is one other way : you filter the person who posted the objectionable and hateful image.
but as they are the majority of users of these breads and they boast and scold and make this place a horror, I've decidd that it's better to know that they are also wondering around on these shores or in these waters.
not a lot of work, I just have a higher level of output?
but that makes it sound like I'm scolding you.
well I suppose i am. you're tough. you can take it.
I try to treat anon as if they are real and they sometimes show themselves to be
very unbelievable.
some people are chatty, others are katty.
I know which I am, and you seem to be the other.
you have a malignant tendency to badger people. I merely obviate your foul nature(s) or
your perfect humor(s)
you're a quick reveal.
hide images is now working!