God you are so smart. When I grow up I want to be just like the famous smoking pepe. Big surprise you're on here.
Ok shill roll call hasn't Commenced yet. Where is Sam, Ralph, and the "Morning Sam, another day at the office" shill hasn't clocked in yet. Better show your face if you want your monies for the day.
Smoking pepe doesn't need to clock in. The faggot is here 24/7. They get their direct deposit without question.
Probably. They act like bots so it makes sense. No one is that OCD they have to make the same routine 365 days a year 5 years in a row on Q R virtue signaling their arrival every God damn day. That's beyond mental illness or OCD. How can there be 3 people with that much free time on their hands they can all clock in together within seconds of each other? They wait around all morning until the Sam shill triggers a reaction.
As far as retards like smoking pepe baking? Not a chance. Too busy being a narcissistic board critic.
I love the smell of bong rips, coffee and shill defeat in the morning. Death blossom.
Sounds like something a narcissistic board critic would say. Love all those notables you got.
Careful, fren. You're going to stir up the echo chamber. Be prepared for some single post IP hops to consensus crack.
Smoking pepes excuse for being online 24 hours a day 365 days a year is "off on disability". Who is off on disability for 5 years? Is it permanent? Food for thought.
YES YES YES I AM ENTERTAINEDThat's the main reason I come here in the morning when I go do cardio at the gym. They place shit like CNN on the TV and I can't watch it. Watching shills scream and cry and REEE over defending their board idols they spent 5 years manufacturing consensus for is far more entertainingly fun. Thank you
Elliptical. Zero impact max burn. Anon ran 10ks for years but the damage adds up on the joints. Can still burn well over 1200 calories with no impact. Thanks for your concern fren
One of smoking pepes favorites. After 5 years of watching that shitshow you learn all his patterns
God bless our bakers
Well you obviously haven't lurked enough. I already explained all this. I take over the perspna of the famefaggot namefaggot. If the famefaggot is a narcissistic clown I amplify it with sarc satire and parody. If he's a raging egomaniac I crank it up to the next level. I use their memes with some added flare to get the point across. I take on that persona in full method acting status. All of my posts are a derivative of the culmination of watching these retarded outspoken overspoken narcissistic self absorbed clowns dominating the bread. You don't like it? Look for the root of the cause.
Lurk moar.
Remember tranime? Hardly anyone does now just a faded echo of a time passed. Why has everyone forgotten tranime and their knee high sock small benis pictures that should have been reported for CP? All me baby.
You do realize the IP hopping muhjoo shill angle doesn't work. Ever. Its not the jews, friend.
You do realize you post this multiple times a day right? Every day. Must be because you compare yourself to being "Neo" since you're the chosen one savior of mankind. At least in your self absorbed narcissistic head.
Imagine being so narcissistic you think this is about jealousy. Nothing to do with being a narcissistic self absorbed egoistic board critic 24 hours a day for 5 years straight.
When they can't articulate or formulate a concerted intelligible response to counter the truth in the points being made they resort to petty ad hominem and deflections. Posting memes like this is precisely how you lose arguments and prove everything I'm saying is true.
Death blossom panic is fun to watch.
Kek. Nice IP hop. Destroying tranime was my greatest achievement, but I adore the misdirection and deflection attempts.
See when you steal the memes I make and pretend to be me with the muhjoo shill angle it just doesn't work. I've said all along its not the jews it's the khazarian mafia. Q knows it. I knows it. The BVs knows it. My stance hasn't changed, but good luck on framing the destroyer of board personas as being a muhjoo shill.
You post this one multiple times a day too. You need a bigger meme collection to stop making yourself so obvious and blend in moar