>>18409653 pb
smirker too
Church of Latter -Day Saints
most good people; but look at this pretentious traitor?
he's to the Mormons
As Comey and Biden are to the Roman Church?
Pence is a traitor
think of this:
Power championed intervention for issues of 'Human Rights"
the excuse for bombing the shit out of ex-Yugoslavia of the Clinton.
so she was an apologist for the Clinton Bombing forays?
"Philosophy" brought to you by Georgi "Soros" "Swartz" Habsburg?
"she's" obviously got an Adam's Apple etc. Or did. What a coincidence?
What was the excuse given by Brennen and their ilk in the IC ?
"Protesters were shot"
100 of them, exactly.
what order had Brennen given
"If 100 are killed, then we will go ahead?"
Who killed the 100 all lined up - to the exact number.
Who gave the order to kill them.
Somebody's worried and scared; if the truth on this surfaces, what then?
If anon learned this from open-source study on the Internets.
Who else knows that?
Where are the documents?
Are they able to destroy it all?
Even if they forge and shred 24 / 7 ?
Even if they stone-wall Congressional subpoena?
Power Threatens Trump
Who trusts "THE HILL"
not me.
Disco King lame Comedian
Bet they have the fake voting machines over there too;
Now he's threatening Biden; agains.
Ukraine ? never admitted to NATO
They make no sense.
what's with the upraised fist?
Looks like him?
Isn't it true in religions which keep men an woman separate sometimes breed weird fetish?
"Debunked" is always fake
I say ear on photo was doctored and its him.
They also picked a photo of "Pence" which is a mis-match.
the one on left isn't even Pence
been around too long to fall for the (fake) cries ofDEBUNKED
Prove it.
where are your images of the alleged porn star - or did someone just tell you that?
"I heard it on FACEBOOK, it's DEBUNKED"
and the person who posted it is now banned.
notice how they label the pictures for you.
no, try harder.
nobodies the idiot but you.
"No Evidence" Right because we never looked for it ~
absence of evidence fails to equal no evidence