Anonymous ID: 552768 Feb. 25, 2023, 4:02 p.m. No.18411386   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1407

Fascinating thread on halfchan AZ/cartel corruption. Here:


>QRD: Speaker alleges that many judges and politicians are compromised by the cartel which is washing billions through AZ from drug sales. Public record corruption was being enabled by two individuals, one of whom has since married the principle lawyer in the case, who has had 6 attempts on his life. This is potentially a Giga Happening of unprecedented proportions.


>Implications: With access to the public records system, almost anything is possible, invent fake people, fake houses, fake claims on people's property declare people mentally ill, take their kids, take their property deny or enable political office. If this is true and this method is accurate, it is likely that this is how the entire US (and many other western countries) are really run from behind the scenes. It could be the actual mechanism whereby influence is peddled and control is exerted.



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