Anonymous ID: 5f7871 Feb. 25, 2023, 5:02 p.m. No.18411802   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1965

Wish POTUS would do this again. While dedder than dogshit CNN & the others kept the "left" entertained, they were swiftly taken down with Hallmark & Garden Channels kicking their asses in ratings.

The mainstream crap on "our" side, however:

-Pushes Ukraine just as hard as CNN & the others without mentioning all of the corruption. Levin does this over his multiple platforms;

-ZERO mention of countless hours of VIDEO footage containing election fraud PROOF;

-Censoring of POTUS, even his Rallies & Speeches while in Office;

Have got families who voted 45 who won't even speak to each other because they freak out over buying Russian Vodka but can't get enough of their Chinese crap, AND don't even mention the name "Trump" around a fox viewer because

1) He acts like Mussolini;

2) Isn't "Presidential"; Says "stupid" things;

3) most "popular" sentiment now – "He shouldn't run again!!! "DeSantis!!"


This WAR isn't againt the "left". There isn't even a "middle" any more. It's Divide and Destroy From WITHIN. CNN is STILL the butt of every joke & headline despite their 12 viewers having NO impact on OUR way of life. Estranged family situations won't ever be repaired. They are SO addicted to being ENTERTAINED (fox) that it's all lost.