Anonymous ID: d1e229 Feb. 25, 2023, 4:02 p.m. No.18411345   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1618 >>1816 >>1849 >>1956 >>2018

Goyim Defense League’ Day of Hate Fizzles — and Who Are These Guys, Anyway?Robert Spencer

On Friday, the Secure Community Network (SCN), which describes itself as “the official safety and security organization of the Jewish community in North America,” sent Jewish communities around the country notice that a group called the Goyim Defense League (GDL) had proclaimed the following day a “Day of Hate.” The SCN noted that although there had been “no specific or direct threat or even a threat at all,” it would be prudent to be on guardif the neo-Nazis came around. As of this writing, on Saturday afternoon, they haven’t; the Day of Hate turned out to be a quiet weekend day. “Goyim Defense League” itself. Who are these guys, anyway?

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) states in a fact sheet that was originally published in May 2022 that the group “is a loose network of individuals connected by their virulent antisemitism. The group includes five or six primary organizers/public figures, dozens of supporters and thousands of online followers. The far-Left ADL lets its narcissism get in the way of its analysis, as it claims that “GDL parodies the Anti-Defamation League’s name and logo by replacing ‘Anti-Defamation’ with ‘Goyim Defense’ — ‘Goyim’ being a disparaging Yiddish and Hebrew word for non-Jews.” It’s obvious, however, that the name “Goyim Defense League” is not a parody of “Anti-Defamation League,” but of “Jewish Defense League,” a group that the FBI has stated, under heavy political pressure, was a “right-wing terrorist group.” Why would the GDL pattern its name after a group that some claim is a terrorist group?

The GDL, says the Anti-Defamation League, “operates GoyimTV, a video platform that streams antisemitic content.” GoyimTV is full of openly and luridly National Socialist (that’s what “Nazi” means, kids) material, with videos turned out in massive quantities praising Hitler and his associates, and slyly associating contemporary mainstream conservatism with National Socialism. One video is entitled “Zionist Jews Are at the Forefront of Advancing Gun Control in the United States.” Another is “Covid vaccines: 38X stillbirths, 57X miscarriages, 1200X menstrual abnormalities says James Thorp MD.” A third apes America-First concerns by asking, “Are We For East Palestine Or Ukraine? Senator Hawley Discusses With Tucker Carlson.”

Almost all of the GDL’s videos, however, whichit produces on an industrial scale (how?), have just a handful of views.

The group only shot to national prominence on Thursday, when videobegan circulating of a handful of GDL members harassing Jews in South Florida. One of them, armed with a bullhorn, is seen hurling vile insults at Jews in their cars while they’re stopped for red lights. The bullhorn guy’s comrades are seen fleetingly.

All of the other GDL members in the videoappear to be young men in generally good shape. They are reminiscent of the members of the Patriot Front, a “right-wing extremist” group that many have derided as being obvious feds pretending to be white supremacists.

Kyle Becker needled the FBI:== “The Feds are putting on off-Broadway musicals now. Coming to a town near you: ‘The Patriot Front!'” Michael Knowles added, “It’s literally called a ‘front.’ A little on the nose, Quantico!”

The GDL may be completely real,but like the Patriot Front, it’s a little too “on the nose,” as Knowles said. They called for a “Day of Hate,” in perfect alignment with the ADL and Southern Poverty Law Center labeling legitimate conservative groups as “hate groups,” and in tone-deaf unawareness of the fact that people who actually are in such groups don’t really think they’re hating at all. The GDL is made up of gleeful and open Nazis who all happen to look like feds: nary a fat or elderly man among them. They espouse positions that just happen to coincide with mainstream conservative positions that the Biden regime and its FBI hate and wish to stamp out. What a coincidence!

The media attention they’ve received is also in line with their not being legit. The “Day of Hate” resulted in far more Leftists accusing Trump and DeSantis and all other conservatives with approving of it than it did in actual incidents of hate. It also deflects attention once again from the genuine antisemitism that is becoming increasingly mainstream on the Left. Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez don’t proclaim “Days of Hate”; they just make antisemitism mainstream from the halls of Congress. Real antisemitism is coming from the BDS movement and Leftist professors on campuses all over the country.

But now we have the Goyim Defense League, so we can forget about all the hatred of Jews coming from the Left. Was that the idea all along?

Anonymous ID: d1e229 Feb. 25, 2023, 4:02 p.m. No.18411376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1381 >>1618 >>1816 >>1956 >>2018

This Is the Left: Whitmer Enjoys an Evening Out While 700,000 Michiganders Freeze Without Power

Robert Spencer


Leftists have already made it abundantly clear that they don’t feel bound to observe the rules they impose upon us. Remember Nancy Pelosi’s hair salon appointment while the salons were closed to other women in 2020 because of the COVID-19 hysteria? Pelosi’s nephew Gavin Newsom was likewise caught dining at a fancy French restaurant in defiance of his own COVID protocols. And now another star of the contemporary Left, Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-FBI Kidnapping Hoax), took Thursday evening off to head in to Detroit, where she caught a performance of the musical “Jagged Little Pill” at the Fisher Theatre. This would have been an utterly unremarkable incident were it not for the fact that while Whitmer was enjoying her fun-filled evening out, 700,000 Michiganders were without power, smack in the middle of winter. This, once again, is how the Left governs.


An Instagram user inadvertently blew the whistle on Friday, when she posted a photo of herself with Whitmer, adding the caption: “Met the Governor, I can now say I have the key to the city. #dearborn #dearbornheights #detroit.” The first and only comment on the post, however, was less bubbly: “Oh hell nah. Tell her to get her a to fking work on the power.”


The commenter had good reason to be annoyed with Whitmer. The far-Left governor certainly was behaving like an entitled monarch indifferent to the suffering of her hapless subjects. The Detroit Free Press reported Thursday that “the freezing rain and ice storm that blew through Michigan downed trees and limbs, cut power to about 700,000 homes and businesses, closed schools and offices, suspended the QLINE, delayed air travel, caused car crashes and killed a firefighter in Paw Paw, who was electrocuted.”


Detroit’s DTE Energy, which had “nearly a half-million customers without power at one point Thursday” said on that day that most of its customers should have their power back by Sunday. Consumers Energy, which serves the other 200,000 customers whose power was knocked out, likewise said that the lights would come back on Sunday. That meant that these 700,000 people were facing up to four days without power from the time the storm hit and began knocking out the electricity on Wednesday night. And this happened in February. Yet Gretchen Whitmer thought it would be a fine time to take in a play.


What was Whitmer thinking? The lone Instagrammer who posted her photo seems to have been the only person who noted that she was enjoying an evening out while hundreds of thousands of her citizens were freezing without heat in their homes, so maybe she thought that the ever-sycophantic far-Left establishment media would cover for her, given her impeccable far-Left credentials, no matter what. And she would have gotten away with it, had it not been for the star-struck citizen who asked for, and then posted, a photo with the governor….

Anonymous ID: d1e229 Feb. 25, 2023, 4:02 p.m. No.18411419   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1440 >>1452 >>1457 >>1462

Kamala Channels Jeb, Is Introduced With ‘You Can Clap. It’s Okay.’

Robert Spencer


Kamala Harris, whose prospects have been dimming for quite some time in light of her bungling of the easiest job in the world, the vice presidency, has given us a new indication that she sparks all the enthusiasm of a soggy piece of toast. On Thursday, the supposed vice president gave a speech to journalists representing historically black colleges and universities on the alleged effects of climate change on minority communities. As Harris entered the room, former AtlantaMayor Keisha Lance Bottoms asked that everyone stand and then reminded them: “You can clap. It’s okay.”


For anyone hoping that Kamala Harris will be a viable presidential candidate in 2028 or even 2024, the optics were not good. The world knew that the United States was not going to have to suffer a third President Bush when George W.’s kid brother Jeb (styled on his campaign material as “Jeb!,” as if people were actually excited about him), campaigning for the Republican nomination in Feb. 2016, was reduced to pleading with his audience for a visible display of their enthusiasm for his candidacy. “Please clap,” he implored them. The luckless attendees dutifully complied, but America as a whole didn’t join in, and Jeb! became a meme instead of a commander-in-chief. Will the person playing the vice president on TV now join Jeb! in memedom? You betcha.


There were other striking aspects of the incident as well. Why were the attendees asked to stand when Harris entered, as if the vice president were a judge or an archbishop? While it’s customary for people to stand when the president enters a room, this has not historically been true of the vice president. However, according to a 2022 book by New York Times correspondents Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns, who are not in the least unfavorable to Harris, the vice president was offended when aides did not stand when she walked into a room.


This was because of (you guessed it!) racism. According to Martin and Burns, “some of Harris’s advisers believed the president’s almost entirely white inner circle did not show the vice president the respect she deserved.” …

Anonymous ID: d1e229 Feb. 25, 2023, 4:02 p.m. No.18411461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1487 >>1618 >>1816 >>1956 >>2018

Biden 'Can't Recall' if He Spoke to East Palestine Mayor

Ben Bartee4:38 PM on February 25, 2023

In a damage control bid, the Biden White House dispatched its dainty token LGBTQ+++™ minority Mayor Pete in a goofy yellow hardhat to East Palestine for a photo op after being upstaged by Donald Trump earlier in the week.

It didn’t go super well. Mayor Pete clearly was out of his element. Hardhats and mud don’t suit his delicate sensibilities.


Meanwhile, his alleged boss, President Brandon, informed a reporter, David Muir, thathe “can’t recall” whether he has spoken to the East Palestine mayor, adding that he’s “talked to everyone there is to talk to.”

Obviously, mentally competent individuals routinely forget people they’ve spoken to in the last few days, especially when those correspondences involve a massive chemical spill that threatens the health of thousands of people whose welfare you are theoretically responsible for.


Aside from an apparent disinterest in speaking to the mayor of East Palestine, Brandon has also indicated he has no interest in visiting the site, either. Via CNN:


“You know, we were there two hours after the train went down – two hours. I’ve spoken with every single major figure in both Pennsylvania and in Ohio, and so the idea that we’re not engaged is just simply not there. And initially, there was not a request for me to go out even before I was heading over to Kyiv, so I’m keeping very close tabs on it. We’re doing all we can.” [emphasis added]


American presidents, Brandon would have you believe, are not expected to go to the site of a disaster without a specific request from some unnamed authority. What is he supposed to be, a leader or something?

Anonymous ID: d1e229 Feb. 25, 2023, 4:02 p.m. No.18411487   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Nunes and Sara Carter said this am on video posted heree that Buttigieg scheduled the press conference at 8 am, to have everyone miss it so he could get out if town quick. Nunes said in all the years in Congresshe’s never heard of anyone scheduling a press conference at 8 am,

Anonymous ID: d1e229 Feb. 25, 2023, 5:02 p.m. No.18411538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1582 >>1588 >>1599 >>1610 >>1612 >>1618 >>1816 >>1885 >>1956 >>2018

Things Are Getting Dicey in the South China Sea. Rick Moran

Tensions between the United States and China are rising, and nowhere is that fact more noticeable than the South China Sea where China has built some artificial islands and claimed other atolls as its territory.


They’ve constructed military bases on some of these atoll-sized islands, which is a provocation for the Philippines and Vietnam, who also claim some of those islands. And the U.S. refuses to recognize China’s claims that the islands and surrounding ocean are Chinese territories.


This is why there is such a danger of conflict near those islands, as the U.S. constantly exercises its internationally recognized right of freedom of the skies and seas.


China is getting more aggressive in pushing back against the U.S. exercising its rights. And sometimes, it can get very dicey.




The U.S. Navy plane had been in the air over the South China Sea for a few hours when a warning came crackling over the radio.


“No approaching any more or you will pay full responsibility,” said a voice from a ground station belonging to China’s air force.


Soon after,a Chinese J-11 fighter jet appeared about 500 feet off the left wing, flying beside the American P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraftfor well over an hour as it passed over mostly uninhabited islands that are claimed by both China and its neighbors.


U.S. sources say these encounters are becomingmore frequent in the aftermath of the spy balloon incident, and Chinese pressure on Taiwan has also increased. So far, it appears that China is simply probing for weaknesses and testing responses. But the U.S. doesn’t know what’s a test and what might be the real thing. This has our pilots on edge when flying their patrols.


The result is some tense encounters. Late last year, the U.S. military said an Air Force aircraft conducting routine operations over the South China Seawas forced to take evasive maneuvers to avoid colliding with a Chinese fighter jetthat was flying dangerously close. Beijing blamed the U.S. and said it would continue to take “necessary measures.”


Given U.S.-China tensions over issues including China’s surveillance balloon program, the concern is that a minor incident in the South China Sea could easily escalate, said John Rennie Short, a professor at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, who studies the geopolitics of the region.


“You just worry that a small spark could burst into flame,” said Short.


Accidents or miscalculations would be the most probable cause of war. China isn’t ready for war with the United States and won’t be until close to the end of the decade when their military build-up will be near completion.


But the best-laid plans often go awry. And when someone like Joe Biden is in the White House, anything could happen.

Anonymous ID: d1e229 Feb. 25, 2023, 5:02 p.m. No.18411567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1581 >>1618 >>1620 >>1816 >>1885 >>1956 >>2018

25 Feb, 2023 20:08

Ukraine has ‘total dominance’ over US – Trump

The ex-president suggested Kiev might actually be behind the Nord Stream pipeline blasts as well


Ukraine has asserted "total dominance" over the US, former President Donald Trump said Friday during an interview with Glenn Beck. The ex-president also suggested that Kiev might be the real culprit behind the destruction of Russia’s Nord Stream pipelines last October.


Commenting on the recent report by veteran American journalist Seymour Hersh, who suggested the pipelines were targeted by Washington in a clandestine operation ordered directly by President Joe Biden, Trump did not rule out US involvement butrubbished allegationsthat Moscow destroyed the installation itself.


"Well, it could have been us, and it could have been Ukraine, and it could have been some third-party country that wants to see trouble. The one group it wasn’t is Russia… This is a main source of massive income for them. They didn't blow it up to make a point. That's the one thing I can tell you for sure," Trump stated, adding that "everything gets blamed on Russia" by the "sick" people.


The US might have been "working in conjunction" with Ukraine to target the pipelines, the ex-president suggested, since Kiev has already asserted "total dominance"over Washington.


"We’ve given them probably $150 billion, and Europe has given them almost nothing," he added.


Earlier this week, Trump, who is seeking to get elected back into the White House in 2024, already vowed to end the Ukraine conflict within hours should he make it to the office again. "I would literally start calling, not from the day I took over, but from the night I won,"he told a campaign rally in Florida this week.


The ex-president has also blamed the "warmongers and ‘America Last’ globalists" entrenched at the State Department, the Pentagon, and the "national security industrial complex" for pushing the hostilities forward. "I was the only president who rejected the catastrophic advice of many of Washington’s generals, bureaucrats and so-called diplomats who only knew how to get us into conflicts," he said in a campaign video released Tuesday.



Anonymous ID: d1e229 Feb. 25, 2023, 5:02 p.m. No.18411616   🗄️.is 🔗kun


PDJT Radio Show Glenn Beck, I don’t how to post a radio showFeb. 24, 2023

Anonymous ID: d1e229 Feb. 25, 2023, 5:02 p.m. No.18411670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1707

LOL: White House Official Shares Tweet From ‘Biden Showered With His Daughter’

Matt Margolis


The name change was in reference to one of the more salacious details in the diary of Joe Biden’s daughter. Ashley Biden revealed some shocking allegations, including that Joe used to take inappropriate showers with her as a child.


Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates was the subject of ridiculethis week after he retweeted a video from an account mocking Joe Biden.


XStrategies LLC senior digital strategist and former Daily Caller social media supervisor Greg Price shared a video of White House press secretary Karine Jean-Piere, and Bates reshared it, but Price changed his account name to “Joe Biden Showered With His Daughter,” which then appeared under the video on Bates’s timeline.


The name change was in reference to one of the more salacious details in the diary of Joe Biden’s daughter. Ashley Biden revealed some shocking allegations, including that Joe used to take inappropriate showers with her as a child.

Anonymous ID: d1e229 Feb. 25, 2023, 5:02 p.m. No.18411708   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1756 >>1816 >>1956 >>2018

25 Feb, 2023 19:25

US spends more on Ukraine than it burned through in Afghanistan – researcher

Washington’s military aid to Kiev exceeds its annual outlays to fight America’s longest-ever war, a Statista analysis has shown


President Joe Biden’s administration has shelled out more money on military aid to help Ukraine fight Russia than the US spent annually to fight its own war in Afghanistan, according to data compiled by German research firm Statista.


US military aid to Ukraine through mid-January, spanning the first 11 months of the conflict, totaled $46.6 billion, Statista said in a report this week, citing data from the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. That compared with an average annual military spend of $43.4 billion, in 2022 dollars, during the first ten years of the Afghanistan war.


“When calculating the average annual costs of previous wars in which the United States has been involved in, the true magnitude of the country’s Ukraine aid expenditure can be seen,” Statista data journalist Martin Armstrong said. The Ukraine total doesn’t include an additional $5 billion worth of weapons and equipment that the Pentagon sent to Kiev, he said.


The figures also exclude non-military aid, such as the $4.5 billion that Biden pledged to fund pensions, government salary and other public spending. All told, Washington has allocated $113 billion in Ukraine aid, and multiple administration officials have vowed to keep supporting Kiev “as long as it takes.”


Some Washington lawmakers, such as Representatives Seth Moulton of Massachusetts, a Democrat, and Georgia Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene, have called the Ukraine crisis a “proxy war” that the US and NATO are waging against Russia. Remarkably, even without officially deploying any troops in Ukraine or declaring itself a direct party to the conflict, the US is spending more than it doled out to fund its own war – in fact, the longest war in the nation’s history.


When converted to 2022 dollars, US military spending was far higher in Vietnam, averaging $90.9 billion from 1965 to 1975; Iraq, totaling $125.1 billion per year from 2003 to 2010; and Korea, where the annual rate was $138.2 billion from 1950 to 1953.


Republican lawmakers, who won control of Congress in last November’s midterm elections, have called for tougher oversight of US aid to Ukraine. Eleven US House Republicans introduced a bill earlier this month calling for an immediate halt to the aid program.


(A Satanist gathering in Congress)

Anonymous ID: d1e229 Feb. 25, 2023, 5:02 p.m. No.18411742   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1800 >>1816 >>1956 >>2018


NotableKash said exactly what the Austrian soldier said. We are not sending NATO soldiers, “I can resign in the military, take military clothing off and sign up as a contractor in Ukraine. Kash said there’s a lot of US contractors there, not in the military anymore.