Anonymous ID: e0dfb5 Feb. 25, 2023, 4:02 p.m. No.18411454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1455 >>1618 >>1816 >>1956 >>2018


May 15, 2022 – John H. Thaler, a father, began to suspect his wife (Brittany Thaler aka Chavez) of two years and her mother (Dawna Chavez) of participating in criminal activities. Thaler ascertained that many officials within the Cities of Mesa, Gilbert and Phoenix were involved in a racketeering enterprise in Arizona, as were Brittany and Dawna.

Coerced by those in charge, Brittany absconded with their son – McKinley, on his second birthday – December 12, 2019. The Plan - Brittany and her mother, having secured phony restraining orders, would attempt to provoke a violative reaction from Thaler, hoping to have him arrested, charged and incarcerated, thus avoiding exposure of all those involved, and their criminal enterprise would remain concealed and intact. Thaler refrained from showing any aggression - the plan failed.

A Dissolution of Marriage was filed suing Thaler for full custody of his son, despite Thaler having been McKinley’s primary caregiver since birth. SB 1127 was passed by the state’s legislature in Arizona and became effective on Jan. 1, 2013. SB 1127 enacted important changes in child custody cases in Arizona. The laws now refer to legal decision-making and parenting time instead of custody and visitation. They are designed to ensure that BOTH parents have liberal amounts of time to spend with their children. The statutes emphasize the importance of the child’s best interests instead of the parents’ preferences.

Thaler’s continued investigations and discoveries caused the corrupt Mesa, Gilbert, Phoenix and other officials to fear exposure. Therefore, in spite of ARIZONA LAW, these corrupt officials ordered Brittany to refuse participation in the Court ordered exchange on September 19, 2020. Since that date, Thaler has had NO contact with his son. Further, Brittany began to seek support for accusations against Thaler of child abuse, however, after putting McKinley through evaluation after evaluation, McKinley’s pediatrician, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, two independent DCS therapists and the forensic psychological evaluator at Gilbert Police Department, Brittany was told that McKinley had NOT been abused by his father in any way. Still Brittany refused Thaler any contact with his son.

The charges continued to be made against Thaler for violating the restraining orders until there were twenty-one charges in total. Twenty-one charges for TEXTING or EMAILING Brittany and Dawna in connection with McKinley’s wellbeing and safety! What about the multiple “custodial interference” violations Thaler reported to the police? That’s right, NOTHING. Not one of over a dozen complaints were charged. Brittany and Dawna were not charged for being criminals or child abusers for withholding a young child from his father.

Brittany and Dawna relocated to an unknown address with McKinley. For fear of being caught, they have not taken him to activities, enrolled him in pre-school or allowed him to socialize with other children his own age. McKinley is being kept prisoner. The child abusers are Brittany and Dawna! Despite the drastic damage being caused to McKinley, Brittany refuses to permit Thaler, Thaler’s friends or Thaler’s family to have ANY contact with McKinley. There have been no in person visits, no phone conversations, no photos – absolutely ZERO contact whatsoever, those in charge have ensured as much.

Anonymous ID: e0dfb5 Feb. 25, 2023, 4:02 p.m. No.18411455   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1618 >>1816 >>1956 >>2018


Thaler has endured the loss of his son, fake charges filed against him in the Mesa, Gilbert and Phoenix Courts, false allegations of drug use, abuse, insanity, and irrationality. Thaler had his home broken into and a friend, mistaken for him, beaten up and left tied in his garage, other friends have endured witness intimidation, computer hacking and phone tapping, Thaler has endured multiple attempts on his life and continues to be in danger to this day. The situation became so dire. that by December 2020 Thaler sold all his assets in Arizona, left a music community, friends and family he loved, and relocated to Las Vegas, Nevada.

Still, Thaler was determined to get his son back, so despite the road blocks and the obvious danger in doing so, he continued to investigate Brittany and the others. To his shock, he unraveled a slew of criminal activities this group were involved in: racketeering, drug trafficking, bankruptcy fraud, payroll fraud, insurance fraud, identity theft, money laundering, tax evasion, and so on. Gathering proof along the way, having it verified by a Professional Document Expert and submitting motion after motion to the City Courts, Superior Court and Federal Court; writing letters to the Presiding Judge of Maricopa Superior Court; meeting with the FBI, district attorneys and State leadership detailing all he had discovered and still …. NOTHING!

Mesa City Prosecutors proceeded with the twenty-one ‘violations of the restraining order’ charges. Thaler, having developed heart problems was prohibited from traveling to Arizona to stand trial during the Covid Delta Wave epidemic. Tried in absentia, he was found guilty of twelve of the initial thirteen charges heard that day. When Thaler did return to Arizona some months later to visit friends and family, a friend’s car/phone was tracked, and he was arrested. Bond was set at a ludicrous $100,000 CASH by Mesa and $75,000 CASH by Gilbert! He was incarcerated for 15 days, contracted Covid and kept in isolation for twelve of the fifteen days! At the Mesa sentencing he was sentenced to time. FOR TEXTING!

The Mesa City officials’ objective was and is to use the bureaucratic systems they control to incarcerate Thaler and avoid exposure.

Despite having gone through the legitimate legal channels for two years, Thaler is no closer to being reunited with his son. This atrocity should not happen in the US. Thaler and McKinley’s rights have been appallingly violated. The damage McKinley has suffered and continues to suffer is nothing short of child abuse. Public officials are appointed to protect their City’s citizens. Mesa public officials, however, are only concerned with protecting themselves without any regard for the damage bestowed upon a now four-year-old child who is being used as a pawn to safeguard their racketeering enterprise.

Anonymous ID: e0dfb5 Feb. 25, 2023, 5:02 p.m. No.18411562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1618 >>1816 >>1956 >>2018

When Exactly Did the Suburban LGBTQ Pedophile Ring Start? We Have an Idea.

As the horror story unfolds of how adoptive fathers Zachary and William Zulock, who were prominent figures in Georgia's gay activism scene, allegedly raped, filmed, and prostituted their two sons out to child predators that were part of a suburban LGBTQ pedophile ring, more information about the one co-defendant's criminal history is coming to light in the lead up to the Zulock trial.

Newly filed court documents provide further insight into Zachary's dark past and the origins of the Atlanta-area pedophile ring.

Anonymous ID: e0dfb5 Feb. 25, 2023, 5:02 p.m. No.18411599   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Chinese J-11 fighter jet appeared about 500 feet off the left wing, flying beside the American P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft for well over an hour

Anonymous ID: e0dfb5 Feb. 25, 2023, 5:02 p.m. No.18411691   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A burned Russian tank was installed in front of the Russian embassy in Berlin, and it didn't go quite as expected: people started bringing flowers to decorate it.

Listen to Alexander von Bismarck, who is Otto von Bismarck’s grandnephew, speak about it.

The Ukrainian flag, that was installed on the tank, was taken down by a man from the crowd.

Anonymous ID: e0dfb5 Feb. 25, 2023, 5:02 p.m. No.18411704   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1816 >>1956 >>2018

In Cameroon, several explosions thundered during a sports race

Eyewitnesses captured on video a series of small explosions. It all happened in the western part of Cameroon, where English-speaking separatists are at war with the government. The armed wing of the Amazon Governing Council, one of the country's separatist groups, claimed responsibility for the attacks. A spokesman for the group, Capo Daniel, said that "the target of the attack was the elite forces of Cameroon, which ensured the safety of athletes."

At that moment, in the southwestern region of Cameroon, the city of Buea, a sports race was taking place. It was attended by 529 athletes, 19 of them were hospitalized. Doctors provided them with the necessary medical care. There were no comments from the local authorities of the city on the fact of the incident.

Anonymous ID: e0dfb5 Feb. 25, 2023, 6:02 p.m. No.18411909   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Not so fast, said Jennifer Homenday, chair of the National Transportation Safety Board.


Trump’s suspension of requirements for electronically-controlled pneumatic brakes had nothing to do with the wreck, which NTSB has hinted as having been caused by a faulty train car bearing, she said.

Anonymous ID: e0dfb5 Feb. 25, 2023, 6:02 p.m. No.18412032   🗄️.is 🔗kun

President Nayib Bukele announced on Friday the transfer of the first 2,000 gang members to the new mega prison, in which he intends to detain 40,000 people captured under the emergency regime in #ElSalvador .