A thorough investigation into Q
"It's not particularly relevant for me to provide details about the unique set of blindspots and presuppositions I brought to my first read of the posts attributed to Q; I have no reason to think mine are exemplary of the norm. Here is what I do think is noteworthy:
It happens that I am not burdened by an identity that requires reaction to perceived threats on the image of any ethnicity, territory, or religion. Likewise, there are no groups, organizations, or heirarchies that must be defended from public criticism to keep my esteem intact.
I literally empathize with the paradoxical human condition in which empathy itself becomes achilles. And yet I benefit in that the relatively minimal degree to which I am impacted by any given trollbaiting offers the strategic advantage of depriving adversaries of any of these low-shelf, but effective in the short-term, angles of attack.
This makes my experience in wading through atrocious postings a world different than one whose very identity is entwined with subjects that are mischaracterized, ridiculed, shamed, parodied, and abused in anonymous postings by the psychopathic and by those who surrender to sociopathic social strategies. It also makes me suited to obtain the contextual information I need to report briefly and summarily on the noisy garbage distractions in a reasonably accurate and neutral way without suffering internally (save for the non-trivial memories of what is not unseeable)."
"The subjects that are made targets by the depraved are predictable and not unique to the places Q has posted. They are those groups and individuals most often made the targets of bigotry anywhere.
Rather than being a reflection of the sentiment of the room, and standing opposed to claims that they are representative of those interested in Q in general, the quantities and proportions predictably exist for these same groups here as they do wherever they exist at all.
Reprehensible posts on uncensored forums, then, are not representative of those forums – but instead are better considered as background noise – a baseline, known, ignorable universal that predictably appears where allowed.
The proportion of posts of this variety is said to have increased with Q's popularity, however. I cannot verify that claim empirically, but have observed significant variance and the reasons are plausible: paint Q's agenda in a negative light by association; reinforce 'othering' narratives; foster division.
It is widely implied that Q itself promotes radical racial ideologies, but it is yet to be seen in this investigation thread. A point of consideration will be whether any of the posts widely attributed to Q promote ideologies that categorize and demonize people, or worse, to systematically treat them unequally."