I like to choose. 'lb
You can be the sheep or the cow that was/it is chosen.
It is something that usa invented, what it is your IQ?
since you are so smart, how come you have a pedo president, that shower w/ daughter……to consume water?
yey, irish chatolics fucking kids day………..
how about deeper, clinton and irish, trump and scotland???????????
member, zelenzky?!
I've said this, some months ago, for the good of Ukraine people!!!
That are in this moment, usa's meat.
Sorry but this it is truth.
I've said to you, and now, I repeat, fly to Moscow, deflect, and you will live, Ukraine people will live and get help from ………, you deflect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OR CIA will end you, like……..presidents.
You must understand, dumb, that Russia will never lose!!!!!!!!!!!!
b/c evil it is second and God It is first.