Thanks for squaring this away for us BO. You da man.
I followed last bread when a good dozen or so anons voted to fire the present baker… then 2 popped up and anons couldn't discern between them… oh well. I bounced back between them both… wasn't much to lose in either. Now ready for Q here and comfy.
Qatching FlaQ? QraQ BaQ. Qan't Qut or Qill you Qus they Qan't Qum Quite like you.
Qomey Qan't be Hasselhoff Qus Qomey Queefs Qome with Qum Qrumbs from losing at limp bisQuit in their seQret Queer society meetings.
Qan't hold a hearing on something that's Qurrently Cuming in sealed indictment, indiQative of Qontinual pain to be had by (((them)).
I mean, you Qould have a hearing but what's the point? Horowitz had to dance like Qrazy to avoid questions pertaining to ongoing investigations. Ie shit is Qoming down the pipes.
Remember this coming up months ago and it was Kek'ed and Cheqed… super legit. Great to remind everyone of just how many fucking Q proofs have been made. Yet we still begging his ass for moar proofs on the daily! It was all part of the plan tho…. playing out masterfully.
Love you faggots.
She's actually really pretty tho.
He should also cut out the copy pasta bs below. I saw this horse shit 5 times already today.