Anonymous ID: d95a2e June 20, 2018, 9:42 p.m. No.1842113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2128



Probably. Unless Huber kicks into gear then maybe the point becomes moot.


IGs are spread across all levels of the Executive branch. Horowitz is DOJ IG (FBI under DOJ so he has them too). Most IG reports are based on single issue topics. Horowitz has a bunch (lost count) we just saw the 1st major (Q called it LITTLE) one.


Most IG reports don't get congressional hearings. Only when it's high visibility and grandstanding opps are available do they have hearings.


But, Huber/IG combo is legal but groundbreaking which clouds things. So, events might outpace Congress' ability to have hearings.

Anonymous ID: d95a2e June 20, 2018, 9:58 p.m. No.1842306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2324



Well, anon. You might get what you want soon if we review our Q-Crumbs. Consider these Q posts that feature the term FAST. Consider [RR] - old name I think he's [[[ ]]]-[[ ]]-[ ] now - and his impending removal as the final piece of the puzzle as you read it.