B/c romans……… had brutus…………
If lEon sez anything, notable in the nxt second.
or aplaud…….. ask kamala toe……..
Let 'em all their evil soul perish, and make the pure souls rise.
For now and forever.
Adrenochrome is a chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline - also called epinephrine - a hormone produced by the adrenal glands near the kidneys. Adrenaline, which can also be synthesised, is used to treat cardiac arrest and severe allergic reactions.
How retarded sheep you must be, cia :google" first was adreno, then chrome………….
you need to open eyes, sheep.
B/c anons do not have time for newbies.
how about search for yourself, like adrenochrome in movies……..
Google exposes 'high' severity flaw in Adreno GPUs following Qualcomm's botched fix
Shill, we , in here, are very highly informed. based on our own research, via open source.
You've failed.
We work for free to save the planet from you, and you work on people's "taxes" to destroy the planet, and make it a crime planet, and enslave the honest and pure.
You will never WIN.
we shall see, don't we?!
Want me to tell you about my walk-in, so you can call me moar scihzo?!
Yes, I do have a walk-in, from 23 November, 5 years ago, plus many other beings, some are cpld, some are worm , some taste like flowers, some like popcorn, some give me smell of a parfume……..
Reality beats fiction.
brianwashed sheep.
id plus
lately, my IQ drops, and boards grow. entering.
B/c diamonds are made under the high pressure and high heat.
Find one with lick, you look so gay.