4 teh memz
4 teh memz too
4 teh memz catorce!
>To smear and slander Scott Adams amiright?
No Scott. It is to point out to people the truths you're espousing.
>The Truth is offensive and therefor is not allowed to be spoken.
Memes are harder to silence.
The noticing continues.
>To smear and slander Scott Adams amiright?
To go a bit further, everyone's favorite artist has offered himself up to the woke crowd as an example. Like Ye, I think perhaps he was trying to free ximself from contracts, or perhaps to say things he has always felt but was never able to say. He has no wife, kids, just money and a stated desire to try to "help".
And he knows obviously which third rail not to touch. But people are noticing.
>By copying and pasting his image onto images and stories he never covered?
Sorry Scott. Just trying to help. Bringing attention to the points you're making.
>But his image is being pasted on images of stories he never covered.
You're not stupid Scott. You offered yourself up for this cause. You're looking for the energy and heat - you've told people that in your podcast. This lets anonymous people point out what they're hearing you say.
Maybe you're just trying to drive an audience to your pay platform instead of listening for free. Capitalism.