Yes, because there's nothing else more important that he should be "investigated" for.
Please seize al their shit. I would kek til I croak.
Can you at least change it up a little and maybe next time say you went hogging?
Can't wait to see your ass lawfully swinging, faggot.
>A castle with a prince!
That was when you loserferian pos had EVERYONE deceived. Now we are waking everybody up. The only way you dumbfucks got away with it this whole time was through deception. EVERYTHING changes now. The genie is coming out of the bottle and you pos can't shove it back in. GOD IS COMING FAGGOT. Your demise is coming. GUARANTEED, otherwise faith would not work and it works without ever failing when done correctly. All it takes is ONE person to believe without any doubt. I am that one and I know I am not alone. There are many of us who know the truth.
Because socks are so sexy.
They'da prolly plugged those holes in by now.
Cuck louder, faggot.
Shut the fuck up. Your retarded ass opinions don't mean shit. Get lost.
Go slurp vomit at black mass, faggot.
I would think it means certain disaster.
Your heart has launched forth a prayer and God has answered it, now u just let it in, fren.