We knew it was a 5g injection too.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Please listen to at least the first 5 or 10 minutes of this.
There's a whistle blower, Mike Gill, who uncovered the biggest gun running, child trafficking, organ harvesting, money laundering operation in the world and it operates out of New Hampshire. Has to do why james o'keefe got fired and also says donald trump and gen flynn and all them are in on it. Says the "bad guys" were running it, then the "good guys" went in to take over it instead of exposing it. So dude saying he's worried this will help desantis, but I'm still listening and I guess this Mike Gill guy is legit. He has a $50 million dollar bribe to keep quiet, written, and he turned it down. Has all the evidence, supposedly, and can back his claims. It needs eyes so we can pick it apart and see what's going on. Says that's why pence's plane turned around that one time.
Alright, God, us humans will be moving out of the way now and let you take over.
>>18422493 me
Goes with this one. I'd check this one out first:
Holeee shit, I'm still listening. It seems as if we're toOoOoOotally fuct, kmao. I know God, tho. OMG. Poor bastards have us surrounded.
I'm still listening and I'm mind blown. The shills were trying to tell us, kmfao. IDC, I know God wins but wooooooah… this isMASIVE. My brain's kinda melting but my faith is really strong. Those of us who know God, can't unknow He is real. I've been still and known that He is God and then watched Him move. I've done it so many times that now it's second nature to have faith bc it always works and I don't have to do anything. Holy shit n they just stole 300 billion from Russia? Was Mike saying Russia is in on it too and they're just moving money?
>>18422627 me
Well, it isn't. Flat Earth is a Michael Aquino psyop. It's a mind control master of deception's fabrication.
Let's say that was true, Anons wouldn't give a fuck since it's us doing all the digging. Anons were here before Q. Q doesn't make or break us, faggot. Q dropped crumbs and that's it. Anons don't need outside validation. Our faith is in God and all we care about is unearthing the truth. We're just here to bypass the msm narrative. Do we have to explain everything to you?
Ok. Then tell me about all those CEO resignations. Why did hillary lose? Why was biden "inaugurated" early? Do you not see what is going on? Big pharma exposed, stolen elections exposed, mind control via the injections exposed (they never thoughts Anons would figure that one out). Why so many Q hit pieces? Agenda 2030 front and center now. Bill gates exposed. loserferians exposed, central banking and money laundering exposed, blackmail exposed. Every single dirty little piece of shit is getting exposed. Do you not understand the ONLY reason y'all got away with it for so long was via DECEPTION? Fucking idiots.
Trump can burn the Anons too, we don't gaf. We love the truth no matter what it turns out to be. Anons have deeply rooted faith in God. We know God, loserferians don't.
It's not time for arrests, faggot. America is divided. We are waking everyone up first so we all agree to hang you pos. Your mind is too smol. You don't see the bigger picture. Holy shit, you're dumb, kmfao.
Plus, we don't even have to know HOW we win. God just does it.
The fucking arrests don't matter. We are waking everybody up. It's called the great awakening, not the great arrests. My gawd, you're fucking dumb.
You have NEVER seen true Anons whine about arrests, it's ALWAYS the shills. Public awakening is [their] greatest fear. You catch my drift now, faggot? all those deaths happened because those people didn't have faith. God has given us free will and there is no such thing as death, you fucking low IQ pos. DEATH is a luciferian lie. Your IQ must be around 80 and I'm not even lying. God doesn't think like you. You don't know God and so you say retarded shit. I'd be embarrassed to be you, but you're lucky it's anonymous and nobody can see who you are. Ijust see that you're so brave and I'm literally shaking.
We are ETERNAL and those of us who have seen the other side, do not fear death because there is no such thing. It's a luciferian LIE. Consciousness cannot be destroyed. My God, you're stupid. There is nothing serious going on here. You guys go right ahead and try to destroy it all because you can't. God created LIFE and death is a lie.
Anything else? God has kept wisdom away from you and made you small.
Go slurp that cold vomit at black mass.
You are going to "die" one day too.