No timestamp is bigdeal. Fog of war is useful though.
>>18422095, >>18421571, >>18421631, >>18421735, >>18421899 John Thaler interview Pt. 2 (Arizona corruption)
First post link was Pt. 1 but still worth watching. This is Pt. 2:
We were already in it, so this means it's almost over.
Sauce on being in WW3? Ready all the notables for the past 5 years; take your time.
First 2 World Wars were the same thing - printing press, radio, TV.
Was Jan 4th 2015 the Finale of that season of the Apprentice?
Point is that all wars are Information Wars. Me knowing more than you is highly advantageous.
>>18422793 (me)
Also starving you of information and if you actually know something I'd convince you to think that you're stupid.
>>18422798 (me)
Also I'd compliment you when you're being stupid. So long story short, maximum Hubris at all times.
I'm supplementing my posts as the thoughts come to me you bitchass.
The board goes downwards and if you have a hard time following along without leaving a paper trail of posts for your dumb bitchass to follow that sounds like your problem you stinkin' pile of poop.
Said the stinkin' heaping pile of poop.
Yeah but then they can also call something good or bad but it's actually the opposite of the opposite because they know you'll think the opposite of the thing by default because the person saying it is known to be bad. Get it? No? Exactly.
You must know you are retarded but also be hubristic at the same time. If you haven't stabilized insanity you cannot ride the waves without falling into a stinkin' heaping pile of poop.
Mother fucking boats on clouds.
Your mother is a whore.
Your mother is a Whore.
Your father takes it up the ass.
You are weak.
>don't ever say anything ever
Ppl get offended just by someone else being happy around them. You are too stupid to allow speak, I am considering abolishing the 2nd amendment.
>>18422949 (me)
1st amendment*
>>18422951 (me)
I'm joking calm down. Literally the 1st amendment must be Sacred I got a mini heart attack after saying that.
Yeah wait until you find out the Constitution is Sacred and can give you a heart attack for talkin' shit.