You think your innocent in all this? Anytime you called someone a nigger or scream kill the jew or tell some feminist fat bitch to fuck off. Is that how god wants you to behave. Should have instead showed them compassion and try to understand their prospective. Those liberal women calling men rapists are surrounded by liberal rapist men. You don't think all these blacks hate whitey because they called them nigger on playstation and so on? You don't think white people are hate black people when they trespass upon us. There is no "they started it" like the chicken in the egg.
Evil thrives when good men do nothing. Think mirror. Stay in the light. Q wanted to protect us from whats coming because they knew if we lacked understanding of the plan, we may lash out.
I'm prolly wrong, we don't know how this will end except god wins. Thats my opinion and its just as much fantasy as yours.>>18422839