VIP PASS + "How is this relevant?" underneath it… That was obviously set up by POTUS, correct?
I've seen her so much on here, that i dreamed I was banging her and woke up humping my pillow… kek
Trump is a MASTER showman, that hot chick next to the VIPAnon gives him plausible deniability as to the pointing! kek
He was kinda pointing to the cute chick, look at her reation.
That doesn't mean VIPAnon wasn't there in that spot for a reason though. Trump still can't be TOO obvious.
Are they trying to start a civil war?
I might consider a cult lifestyle if that was part of the deal… kek
Should we still look to twitter for the message, "The Storm has arrived"?
I think the FF was something to do with the immigration thing. A John Brown like event.
You're the shill, she pointed back after he did, and turned to someone to geek out about it.
WTF are you talking about??? She's standing right next to him, he's obviously there on purpose. Go away Clown.
ID: 023248
Please protect those in cities without the RIGHT to defend themselves! There's plenty of us in smaller areas who can protect our neighbors.