juw juw juwlettucejuw juw juwtomatojuw juw juwmiraclewhipjuw juw juwbageljuw juw juwtoastedjuw juw juw
juw juw juwforeignerred rocketjuw juw juwraisesjuw juw juwbageljuw juw juwpricesjuw juw juw*
juw juw juwgretajuw juw juwgetsjuw juw juwbukakejuw juw juwtofacejuw juw juw
juw juw juwhermaphroditesjuw juw juwplot against juw juw juwmogan david juw juw juwhobosexual whinejuw juw juwlike mad dog 20/20
east germs swim up poopoo shoot
east germs steal white china jobs from our poleland pocket
our poleland pocket was stuffed wiff boof white china and protected by screendoor outside movie theatre
but then east germs threatened our poleland wiff rushin peepee
french uncle fuckers migrate to forrest of faggots wiff no border fence
hogg poleland scared of rushin peepee and east germs
hogg poleland avoids batjoto disease on grindr fo sho
can't build a GAHY wall big nuff fo taht
faggot fruits meet powder bitches in online @$$hole contest
hunter's BF jus notha side pony
worst pony