If infiltrators, say from China or cooperating with the CCP got influence over local ordinances so that they were changed allowing the forced sale of things like fire alarms, so that homes needed certain alarms to be up to code what kind of power would that give? Lets say some other tech item in a home is IOT allowing remote detonation of say a lithium battery or something…But the smoke detectors either don't work or work selectively? Didn't someone (Bobby Piton?) say something about "made in China" toys possibly having embedded nefarious tech?
Not only could "China" (CCP and/or American Communists/satanists) end up forcing the sale of items all over the US, items for which they 100% control the supply but they could rig the devices to self-destruct or do other nefarious things.
Separate subject:
As for the train crashes. What if at least some of them are related to seismic activity? Seismic activity due to spoopy technology, fracking, and/or in response to solar activity?