tried to stop WW1 and was assassinated by Villain
Yes, spot on
you steala my meme
jew blood-libel is true
the Khazarians are Sabbateans and do a lot of strnage, sick, sh*t
hope you are right.
khazarian jews already know they are evil- they worship Lucifer/Satan
nah, authentic
very mad, bothways
Belief in god is pure beauty.
This is why you can look at their faces and realize their evil.
better than my contribution
>jews controlled the black slave trade
for you
hard to wake the normies/NPCs up even though the evidence is convincing
blame Hitler for the Volkswagon Beetle.
yep, the khazarian sabbatean jews want another world war re Albert Pike, to kill off more white people, the real jews
Hitler removed the international bankers from Germany, eliminated the depression in Germany and was targetted for that
except as Goering points out, the average joe gets dragged into a war by his leaders
not so sure of that
yes, yes, yes
strategy: destroy the holocaust, then the moon landings
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"
when they realize that most of history is distorted, they will wake up
sorry is for >>18430541
yes, everyone who is not an elite does.
yes, I've been thinking this about oil, the rest of your remark is essentially correct.
Write your own Adventure
yes on that, but no credit to Trump for Operation Warp Speed
that's because you're not dead from the vax enanbled by Trump's Operation Warp Speed