scott ritter sounding off on victoria nuland
if there's ever a nuremberg tribunal
she's one of the top people that should be brought forward
and if found guilty
she's the kind of person you hang by the neck until she's dead
around 32:20
scott ritter sounding off on victoria nuland
if there's ever a nuremberg tribunal
she's one of the top people that should be brought forward
and if found guilty
she's the kind of person you hang by the neck until she's dead
around 32:20
does anybody remember anthony weiner's laptop?
this is what newsweek said back in the day:
~Weiner, who is currently in a rehabilitation program for people suffering with sexually related addictions, told people connected to the case that he had synched his wife's cell phone to the laptop in 2013, transferring all of her data from the mobile device onto the computer.~
all of huma's communications with hillary
how many thousands of emails
how much classified
all on a laptop that was completely insecure
a laptop that was key to a criminal investigation
that put its owner in jail
and now donald trump "mishandles" classified information
how does this all get forgotten
we have a right to know what was on weiner's laptop
are there images from the island?
the fbi tried to bury hunter's laptop as well
thank god for john paul mac isaac
one of the great heroes of this sorry saga
if the contents of weiner's laptop are revealed
the fat lady will swing
for what it's worth
identity theft was a hallmark of the khazars
they would kill a travelling merchant and assume his identity
nasty bunch of fuckers
caused endless trouble
they were eventually told by neighbouring territories to civilize themselves
choose a proper religion
christianity, islam, judaism
they chose the jews
the rest is "history"
but – beware identity theft
it's a thing
"During this dark macabre period, Khazarians gained an infamous reputation throughout the surrounding countries as being bandits, thieves and murderers. However, the Khazarian pièce de résistance was their innovation of demonic theft. That is, the Khazarians would not stop at merely stealing the worldly treasures of the travelers they waylaid. They murdered those travelers and stole the most precious treasure of all, their identity. Over time, identity theft and hiding one’s true identity became a standard Khazarian business practice, which persists to this day in the form of multiple interlocking shell corporations principally owned by Khazarians."
this has to be notable
the defense minister saying he cannot defend
game over, kids
this is them really bailing on zelenskyy
he admits fairly frequently that he's an idiot
how did you get the picture of biden staying on the bike?
10 secret service tactics that are insane
tactic no. 3 around 5:30
russian systema
good little clip
very interesting
systema is very deep
very proportionate
and very very brutal if need be
don't fight the russians
>spent fuel and waste disposition