Nuremburg 2.0 for those responsible for the vax deaths ie Pfizer, Moderna, FDC, etc
Nuremburg 2.0 for those responsible for the vax deaths ie Pfizer, Moderna, FDC, etc
don't be full of shit
everyone knows VAERS understates cases by up to 40x
>>18431088 88
>โฆCity of London ran the [slave] trade, you fool. Beep boop fuck you
And who ran the City of London, you fool?
you obviously have a low threshold for comedy
Nuremberg 1.0 was a travesty of justice.
we read books and documents rather than get our information from watching cartoons
of course Jews ran the Slave Trade!
I agree.
>ok newfag
another cartoon lover
(mind you, I like cartoons too)
kek brotha
Albert Pike 3 world wars, Morals and Dogma by Pike, Masons worship Lucifer like the khazarian jews
I love you- you really get it.
perhaps anon meant time for a Nuremburg 2.0, after all it is trending now on Twitter.
Perhaps we should get behind it.
A lot of peoploe have died worldwide from the deathvax