Anonymous ID: 1db124 June 20, 2018, 11:49 p.m. No.1843601   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3620 >>3656 >>3692 >>3706 >>3816

Need opinions on pic related. Let's say you're the one pic related was directed towards. Let's say, when it happened, you still thought Q was kind of a LARP so you didn't take it too seriously.


Now, doubt has been purged from your mind as to Q's authenticity. This post remains. You're still unclear as to the meaning. What do you do to find clarity? Without doxxing yourself, of course.


It's not me, by the way. I'm asking for a friend of a cousin of an in-law of a great aunt.

Anonymous ID: 1db124 June 21, 2018, 12:04 a.m. No.1843711   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Since it's not me, let's say for the sake of discussion that person who's practically a stranger did NOT get a call or anything immediately afterward, and said person paid very damned close attention at the time.