>>1839939 (pb)
I think that we are already deprogrammed. Or were not properly programmed in the first place.
It is in the context of the theory of this anon that we can start to see the basic functionality of the hivemind aspects of the chans.
Assume that we are being modeled in order that the elite might better manipulate the sheep. Assume as well that it is correct that Q cannot be part of that model due to the necessity that such a model be a closed system (in order to maintain a sort of laboratory setting in which empirical methods successfully predict the overall behavior of the system). Finally, assume that the focus of academic research in the arts, the hard sciences and the social sciences has been coopted to the end of researching and building this modelling capability and that one of the main goals in research has been to remove anything uniquely human (or animal) from our considerations in research (emotion, desire, connection to a geographic location, love of country/family etc….).
Suppose all of the above…..we are the opposite. The fuel that drives us is exactly all that shit that our (((betters))) have decided ought to be written out of our deliberations. The hivemind takes all those essentially human leftovers that the cabal wishes to destroy and we grind that emotion and love of family and country (and hate for evil) into some lovely flour, mix it with the yeast of rationality, knead it into a nice logical form and then bake it into bread.
The hivemind is the anithesis of what (((they))) want to achieve.